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RB.TaskboardUpdater = RB.Object.create(RB.BoardUpdater, {
processAllItems: function(data){
var self = this;
// Process tasks
var items = $(data).find('.task');
items.each(function(i, v){
self.processItem(v, false);
// Process impediments
var items = $(data).find('.impediment');
items.each(function(i, v){
self.processItem(v, true);
processItem: function(html, isImpediment){
var update = RB.Factory.initialize(isImpediment ? RB.Impediment : RB.Task, html);
var target;
var oldCellID = '';
var newCell;
var idPrefix = '#issue_';
if($(idPrefix + update.getID()).length==0){
target = update; // Create a new item
} else {
target = $(idPrefix + update.getID()).data('this'); // Re-use existing item
oldCellID = target.$.parent('td').first().attr('id');
// Find the correct cell for the item
newCell = isImpediment ? $('#impcell_' + target.$.find('.meta .status_id').text()) : $('#' + target.$.find('.meta .story_id').text() + '_' + target.$.find('.meta .status_id').text());
// Prepend to the cell if it's not already there
if(oldCellID != newCell.attr('id')){
target.$.effect("highlight", { easing: 'easeInExpo' }, 4000);
start: function(){
this.params = 'only=tasks,impediments';