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Feature: Fields editable on work package edit
Given there is 1 user with:
| login | manager |
| firstname | the |
| lastname | manager |
And there is a role "manager"
And there is 1 project with the following:
| identifier | ecookbook |
| name | ecookbook |
And I am working in project "ecookbook"
And the user "manager" is a "manager"
And I am already logged in as "manager"
Scenario: Going to the page and viewing all the fields
Given there are the following types:
| Name | Is Milestone | In aggregation |
| Phase | false | true |
And there are the following project types:
| Name |
| Standard Project |
And the project named "ecookbook" is of the type "Standard Project"
And there is an issuepriority with:
| name | prio1 |
And the role "manager" may have the following rights:
| edit_work_packages |
| view_work_packages |
| manage_subtasks |
And the project "ecookbook" has 1 version with:
| name | version1 |
And the following types are enabled for projects of type "Standard Project"
| Phase |
And there are the following work packages in project "ecookbook":
| subject | description | start_date | due_date | done_ratio | type | responsible | assigned_to | priority | parent | estimated_hours | fixed_version |
| parentpe | | | | 0 | Phase | | | prio1 | | | |
| pe1 | pe1 description | 2013-01-01 | 2013-12-31 | 30 | Phase | manager | manager | prio1 | parentpe | 5 | version1 |
When I go to the edit page of the work package called "pe1"
And I follow "More"
Then I should see the following fields:
| Type | Phase1 |
| Subject | pe1 |
| Description | pe1 description |
| Priority | prio1 |
| Assignee | the manager |
| Responsible | the manager |
| Target version | version1 |
| Start date | 2013-01-01 |
| Due date | 2013-12-31 |
| Estimated time | 5.00 |
| % done | 30 % |
| Notes | |
And the "Parent" field should contain the id of work package "parentpe"
Scenario: Going to the page and viewing timelog fields if this module is enabled
Given the role "manager" may have the following rights:
| edit_work_packages |
| view_work_packages |
| log_time |
And there are the following work packages in project "ecookbook":
| subject |
| pe1 |
And the project "ecookbook" uses the following modules:
| time_tracking |
And there is an activity "design"
When I go to the edit page of the work package called "pe1"
Then I should see the following fields:
| Spent time |
| Activity |
| Comment |
Scenario: Going to the page and viewing custom field fields
Given the role "manager" may have the following rights:
| edit_work_packages |
Given the following work package custom fields are defined:
| name | type |
| cf1 | int |
And there are the following work packages in project "ecookbook":
| subject |
| pe1 |
And the work package "pe1" has the custom field "cf1" set to "4"
When I go to the edit page of the work package called "pe1"
Then I should see the following fields:
| cf1 | 4 |