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Depend on the design file so that this is recompiled on core changes.
Doesn't work for theme plugins, sorry :-/ just update the core design.rb as well to reload!
<% depend_on Rails.root.join('lib', 'open_project', 'design.rb') %>
Set defaults for the following variables
This allows us to dynamically define CSS4 + Sass variables from a single map
<% ::OpenProject::Design.variables.each do |var, hexcode| %>
$<%= var %>: <%= hexcode %>;
<% end %>
:root {
<% ::OpenProject::Design.variables.each do |var, definition| %>
<% css4definition = definition.gsub(/\$([\w-]+)/, 'var(--\1)') %>
--<%= var %>: <%= css4definition %>;
<% end %>
<%# Construct a sass map to lookup variables in the mixin below %>
$variable-map: (
<% ::OpenProject::Design.variables.each do |var, definition| %>
<%= var %>: #{<%= definition %>},
<% end %>
// use CSS4 + Sass variable fallback for the given property
// e.g., @include varprop(background-color, primary-color)
@mixin varprop($prop, $name, $suffix:"") {
#{$prop}: map-get($variable-map, $name) unquote($suffix);
#{$prop}: var(--#{$name}) unquote($suffix);
// Other variables
$work-package-details--tab-height: 40px;