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28 lines
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index ||= "INDEX"
new_or_existing = rate.new_record? ? 'new' : 'existing'
id_or_index = rate.new_record? ? index :
prefix = "user[#{new_or_existing}_rate_attributes][]"
id_prefix = "user_#{new_or_existing}_rate_attributes_#{id_or_index}"
name_prefix = "user[#{new_or_existing}_rate_attributes][#{id_or_index}]"
classes ||= ""
@rate = rate
error_messages = error_messages_for 'rate'
<% unless error_messages.blank? %><tr><td colspan="3"><%= error_messages %></td></tr><% end %>
<% fields_for prefix, rate do |rate_form| %>
<tr class="<%= classes %>" id="<%= id_prefix %>">
<label class="hidden-for-sighted", for="<%= "#{id_prefix}_valid_from" %>"><%= l(:caption_valid_from) %></label>
<%= rate_form.text_field :valid_from, :size => 10, :class => 'date', :index => id_or_index %><%= calendar_for("#{id_prefix}_valid_from") %>
<td class="currency">
<label class="hidden-for-sighted", for="<%= "#{id_prefix}_rate" %>"><%= l(:caption_rate) %></label>
<%= rate_form.text_field :rate, :size => 7, :index => id_or_index, :value => rate.rate ? rate.rate.round(2) : "" %> <%= Setting.plugin_redmine_costs['costs_currency'] %>
<td><%= image_to_function 'delete.png', "var e = $('#{id_prefix}');parent=e.up();e.remove();recalculate_even_odd(parent)", :alt => l(:button_delete) %></td>
<% end %>