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work_package: "Zahtevek"
overridden_costs: "Vsiljeni stroški "
spent: "Porabljeno"
spent_on: "Datum"
author: "Avtor"
available: "Na voljo"
budget: "Načrtovano"
budget_ratio: "Poraba (razmerje)"
created_on: "Ustvarjeno dne"
description: "Opis"
fixed_date: "Fiksen datum"
spent: "Porabljeno"
status: "Stanje"
subject: "Zadeva"
type: "Vrsta stroška"
updated_on: "Posodobljeno"
unit: "Ime enote"
unit_plural: "Pluralized unit name"
costs_by_type: "Porabljene enote"
cost_object_subject: "Naslov proračuna"
labor_costs: "Stroški dela"
material_costs: "Strošek enote"
overall_costs: "Celotni stroški"
spent_costs: "Porabljeni stroški"
spent_units: "Porabljene enote"
rate: "Stopnja"
default_rates: "Privzeti tečaj"
labor_budget: "Načrtovani stroški dela"
material_budget: "Načrtovani stroški enote"
cost_object: "Proračun"
one: "Vrsta stroška"
two: "Vrsta stroška"
few: "Vrsta stroškov"
other: "Vrsta stroška"
material_budget_item: "Enota"
rate: "Stopnja"
is_not_a_valid_target_for_cost_entries: "Delovni paket #% {id} ni veljaven cilj za prerazporeditev vnosov stroškov."
nullify_is_not_valid_for_cost_entries: "Vnosa stroškov ni mogoče dodeliti projektu."
budget: "Planirani stroški"
comment: "Komentar"
cost_object: "Proračun"
cost_type: "Vrsta stroška"
costs: "Stroški"
current_rate: "Trenutni tečaj"
hours: "Ure"
units: "Enote"
valid_from: "Veljavno od"
button_add_budget_item: "Vnesi planirane stroške"
button_add_cost_object: "Dodaj proračun"
button_add_cost_type: "Dodaj vrsto stroška"
button_add_rate: "Vnesi tečaj"
button_cancel_edit_budget: "Prekliči urejanje proračuna"
button_cancel_edit_costs: "Prekliči urejanje stroškov"
button_log_costs: "Stroški enote dnevnika"
button_log_time: "Datum vpisa"
caption_booked_on_project: "Rezervirano na projektu"
caption_default: "Privzeto"
caption_default_rate_history_for: "Zgodovina privzetih tečajev za %{user}"
caption_labor: "Delo"
caption_labor_costs: "Dejanski stroški dela"
caption_locked_on: "Zaklenjeno"
caption_material_costs: "Dejanski stroški enote"
caption_materials: "Enote"
caption_rate_history: "Zgodovina tečaja"
caption_rate_history_for: "Zgodovina tečajev za %{user}"
caption_rate_history_for_project: "Zgodovina tečajev za %{user} v projektu %{project}"
caption_save_rate: "Shrani tečaj"
caption_set_rate: "Nastavite trenutni tečaj"
caption_show_locked: "Pokaži zaklenjene enote"
cost_objects_title: "Proračun"
description_date_for_new_rate: "Datum novega tečaja"
cost_object: "Proračun urejen"
group_by_others: "ni v nobeni skupini"
help_click_to_edit: "Kliknite tukaj, za urejanje"
help_currency_format: "Oblika prikazanih vrednosti valut. %n se nadomesti z vrednostjo valute, %u je zamenjan z enoto valute."
help_override_rate: "Vnesite vrednost, da nadomestite privzeto stopnjo."
label_between: "med"
label_cost_filter_add: "Dodajte filter za vnos stroškov"
label_costlog: "Stroški enote dnevnika"
label_cost_object: "Proračun"
label_cost_object_id: "Proračun #%{id}"
label_cost_object_new: "Nov proračun"
label_cost_object_plural: "Proračun"
label_cost_plural: "Stroški"
label_cost_report: "Poročilo o stroških"
label_cost_type_specific: "Proračun #%{id}: %{name}"
label_cost_type_plural: "Vrsta stroška"
label_costs_per_page: "Strošek na stran"
label_currency: "Valuta"
label_currency_format: "Oblika valute"
label_current_default_rate: "Trenuten prevzeti tečaj\n"
label_date_on: "vključeno"
label_deleted_cost_types: "Izbrisane vrste stroškov"
label_locked_cost_types: "Zaklenjene vrste stroškov"
label_deliverable: "Proračun"
label_display_cost_entries: "Prikaži strošek enote"
label_display_time_entries: "Prikaz prijavljenih ur"
label_display_types: "Prikazi vrste"
label_edit: "Uredi"
label_fixed_cost_object: "Fiksni proračun"
label_fixed_date: "Fiksen datum"
label_generic_user: "Generični uporabnik"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_group_by: "Razvrsti po"
label_group_by_add: "Dodajte polje za grupiranje"
label_hourly_rate: "Urna postavka"
label_include_deleted: "Vključi izbrisano"
label_work_package_filter_add: "Dodajte filter delovnega paketa"
label_kind: "Vrsta"
label_less_or_equal: "<="
label_log_costs: "Stroški enote dnevnika"
label_no: "Ne"
label_option_plural: "Možnosti"
label_overall_costs: "Celotni stroški"
label_rate: "Stopnja"
label_rate_plural: "Cene"
label_status_finished: "Končano"
label_units: "Stroškovne enote"
label_user: "Uporabnik"
label_until: "do"
label_valid_from: "Veljavno od"
label_variable_cost_object: "Proračun na osnovi spremenljive stopnje"
label_view_all_cost_objects: "Oglejte si vse proračune"
label_yes: "Da"
notice_cost_object_conflict: "Delovni paketi morajo biti pd istega projekta."
notice_no_cost_objects_available: "Proračuni niso na voljo."
notice_something_wrong: "nekaj je šlo narobe. Prosim poskusite ponovno."
notice_successful_restore: "Uspešna obnovitev."
notice_successful_lock: "Uspešno zaklenjeno."
notice_cost_logged_successfully: 'Stroški na enoto so bili uspešno prijavljeni.'
permission_edit_cost_entries: "Uredite rezervirane stroške na enoto"
permission_edit_cost_objects: "Uredi proračun"
permission_edit_own_cost_entries: "Uredite lastne rezervirane stroške na enoto"
permission_edit_hourly_rates: "Urejanje urnih postavk"
permission_edit_own_hourly_rate: "uredite lastne urne postavke"
permission_edit_rates: "Uredite cene"
permission_log_costs: "Book unit costs"
permission_log_own_costs: "Book unit costs for oneself"
permission_view_cost_entries: "View booked costs"
permission_view_cost_objects: "Oglejte si proračune"
permission_view_cost_rates: "Oglejte si stopnje stroškov"
permission_view_hourly_rates: "View all hourly rates"
permission_view_own_cost_entries: "View own booked costs"
permission_view_own_hourly_rate: "Oglejte si lastno urno postavko"
permission_view_own_time_entries: "Oglejte si svoj porabljen čas"
project_module_costs_module: "Proračun"
text_assign_time_and_cost_entries_to_project: "Projektu dodelite prijavljene ure in stroške"
text_cost_object_change_type_confirmation: "Ali si prepričan? Ta operacija bo uničila podatke o določeni vrsti proračuna."
text_destroy_cost_entries_question: "%{cost_entries} were reported on the work packages you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?"
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries: "Izbrišite prijavljene ure in stroške"
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries_question: "%{hours} hours, %{cost_entries} were reported on the work packages you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?"
text_reassign_time_and_cost_entries: "Ponovno dodelite tem delovnemu paketu prijavljene ure in stroške:"
text_warning_hidden_elements: "Nekateri vnosi so bili morda izključeni iz združevanja."
week: "teden"
text_are_you_sure: "Ste prepričani?"