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51 lines
1.9 KiB

<h2><%= l(:label_calendar) %></h2>
<% form_tag(calendar_path, :method => :put, :id => 'query_form') do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag('project_id', @project.to_param) if @project%>
<fieldset id="filters" class="collapsible">
<legend onclick="toggleFieldset(this);"><%= l(:label_filter_plural) %></legend>
<%= render :partial => 'queries/filters', :locals => {:query => @query} %>
<p style="float:right;">
<%= link_to_previous_month(@year, @month, :project => @project) %> | <%= link_to_next_month(@year, @month, :project => @project) %>
<p class="buttons">
<%= label_tag('month', l(:label_month)) %>
<%= select_month(@month, :prefix => "month", :discard_type => true) %>
<%= label_tag('year', l(:label_year)) %>
<%= select_year(@year, :prefix => "year", :discard_type => true) %>
<%= link_to_remote l(:button_apply),
{ :url => { :set_filter => (@query.new_record? ? 1 : nil) },
:update => "content",
:with => "Form.serialize('query_form')"
}, :class => 'icon icon-checked' %>
<%= link_to_remote l(:button_clear),
{ :url => { :project_id => @project, :set_filter => (@query.new_record? ? 1 : nil) },
:method => :put,
:update => "content",
}, :class => 'icon icon-reload' if @query.new_record? %>
<% end %>
<%= error_messages_for 'query' %>
<% if @query.valid? %>
<%= render :partial => 'common/calendar', :locals => {:calendar => @calendar} %>
<p class="legend cal">
<span class="starting"><%= l(:text_tip_issue_begin_day) %></span>
<span class="ending"><%= l(:text_tip_issue_end_day) %></span>
<span class="starting ending"><%= l(:text_tip_issue_begin_end_day) %></span>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<%= render :partial => 'issues/sidebar' %>
<% end %>
<% html_title(l(:label_calendar)) -%>