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[{title Repositories settings} {priority 500}] Repositories settings in OpenProject. index, follow repository settings

Repositories settings

To adapt repositories settings, go to System settings on the tab Repositories you can configure the following options.

  1. Autofetch repository changes. This option allows to automatically show commits in an OpenProject Repository.
  2. Repository disk size cache. In order to cache the repository disk size (displayed e.g. in repository page).
  3. Enable repository management web service. This option allows communication with SVN- or Git-Clients. If it is deactivated, a repository cannot be created.
  4. Define an API key. This API key is created once and used for communication with an SVN or Git client.
  5. Select which SCM you want to enabled. You can choose Git and/or Subversion.
  6. Automatic repository vendor type. Specify the default repository type which is used in new projects.
  7. Define repositories encodings.
  8. Define the maximum number of revisions to be displayed on file log.
  9. Define the maximum number of files displayed in the repository browser.
  10. Enable caching for authentication request of version control software. This option allows saving the authentication so that a user doesn’t have to authenticate every time a repository is accessed (for example during commits).


Checkout instructions for Subversion and GIT

Show checkout instructions for Subversion and GIT.

  1. Select whether or not to display checkout instructions on the repository page.
  2. Checkout base URL. Define the base URL to be used for repositories of new projects.
  3. Checkout instruction text. Used to specify an (optional) instruction text for repositories (can be further specified in project settings).


Referencing and fixing work packages in commit messages

  1. Define referencing keywords for work packages in commit messages. Used to reference keywords used to link revisions to work packages.
  2. Define fixing keywords for work packages in commit messages. Fixing keywords allow status or progress changes using certain keywords in commit messages, e.g. changing a work pacakge to closed and set to 100%.
  3. Define which status will be applied to a work package if a fixing word is used in a commit message.
  4. Define which percentage of done is applied to a work package if a fixing word is used in a commit message for that work package.
  5. Enable time logging. Activating this option enables logging time to a work package via commit message.
  6. Define activity for logged time. This activity is used for time logging via a commit.


  1. Do not forger to Save all your changes.