You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
644 lines
25 KiB
644 lines
25 KiB
#-- copyright
# OpenProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
# OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows:
# Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
hide: "Hide"
loading: "Loading ..."
close_popup_title: "Close popup"
close_filter_title: "Close filter"
close_form_title: "Close form"
browser_error: "Your browser doesn't support copying to clipboard. Please copy the selected text manually."
copied_successful: "Sucessfully copied to clipboard!"
button_add_watcher: "Add watcher"
button_back_to_list_view: "Back to list view"
button_cancel: "Cancel"
button_close: "Close"
button_check_all: "Check all"
button_configure-form: "Configure form"
button_confirm: "Confirm"
button_continue: "Continue"
button_copy: "Copy"
button_custom-fields: "Custom fields"
button_delete: "Delete"
button_delete_watcher: "Delete watcher"
button_details_view: "Details view"
button_duplicate: "Duplicate"
button_edit: "Edit"
button_filter: "Filter"
button_list_view: "List view"
button_show_view: "Fullscreen view"
button_log_time: "Log time"
button_more: "More"
button_move: "Move"
button_open_details: "Open details view"
button_close_details: "Close details view"
button_open_fullscreen: "Open fullscreen view"
button_quote: "Quote"
button_save: "Save"
button_settings: "Settings"
button_uncheck_all: "Uncheck all"
button_update: "Update"
button_export-pdf: "Download PDF"
button_export-atom: "Download Atom"
description_available_columns: "Available Columns"
description_current_position: "You are here:"
description_select_work_package: "Select work package #%{id}"
description_selected_columns: "Selected Columns"
description_subwork_package: "Child of work package #%{id}"
internal: "An internal error has occurred."
text_open_filter: "Open this filter with 'ALT' and arrow keys."
text_close_filter: "To select an entry leave the focus for example by pressing enter. To leave without filter select the first (empty) entry."
noneElement: "(none)"
two_values: "%{from} - %{to} in your local time."
only_start: "From %{from} in your local time."
only_end: "Till %{to} in your local time."
value_spacer: "-"
one: "First sorting criteria"
two: "Second sorting criteria"
three: "Third sorting criteria"
general_text_no: "no"
general_text_yes: "yes"
general_text_No: "No"
general_text_Yes: "Yes"
label_activate: "Activate"
label_activity_no: "Activity entry number %{activityNo}"
label_activity_with_comment_no: "Activity entry number %{activityNo}. Has a user comment."
label_add_columns: "Add columns"
label_add_comment: "Add comment"
label_add_comment_title: "Comment and type @ to notify other people"
label_add_selected_columns: "Add selected columns"
label_added_by: "added by"
label_added_time_by: "Added by %{author} %{age}"
label_ago: "days ago"
label_all: "all"
label_all_work_packages: "all work packages"
label_and: "and"
label_ascending: "Ascending"
label_author: "Author: %{user}"
label_between: "between"
label_board_locked: "Locked"
label_board_sticky: "Sticky"
label_create_work_package: "Create new work package"
label_created_by: "Created by"
label_date: "Date"
label_date_with_format: "Enter the %{date_attribute} using the following format: %{format}"
label_deactivate: "Deactivate"
label_descending: "Descending"
label_description: "Description"
label_cancel_comment: "Cancel comment"
label_closed_work_packages: "closed"
label_collapse: "Collapse"
label_collapsed: "collapsed"
label_collapse_all: "Collapse all"
label_comment: "Comment"
label_committed_at: "%{committed_revision_link} at %{date}"
label_committed_link: "committed revision %{revision_identifier}"
label_contains: "contains"
label_created_on: "created on"
label_edit_comment: "Edit this comment"
label_edit_status: "Edit the status of the work package"
label_equals: "is"
label_expand: "Expand"
label_expanded: "expanded"
label_expand_all: "Expand all"
label_export: "Export"
label_filename: "File"
label_filesize: "Size"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_group_by: "Group by"
label_hide_attributes: "Show less"
label_hide_column: "Hide column"
label_in: "in"
label_in_less_than: "in less than"
label_in_more_than: "in more than"
label_latest_activity: "Latest Activity"
label_last_updated_on: "Last updated on"
label_less_or_equal: "<="
label_less_than_ago: "less than days ago"
label_loading: "Loading..."
label_me: "me"
label_menu_collapse: "collapse"
label_menu_expand: "expand"
label_more_than_ago: "more than days ago"
label_next: "Next"
label_no_data: "No data to display"
label_no_due_date: "no end date"
label_no_start_date: "no start date"
label_none: "none"
label_not_contains: "doesn't contain"
label_not_equals: "is not"
label_on: "on"
label_open_menu: "Open menu"
label_open_work_packages: "open"
label_password: "Password"
label_previous: "Previous"
label_per_page: "Per page:"
label_please_wait: "Please wait"
label_visibility_settings: "Visibility settings"
label_quote_comment: "Quote this comment"
label_reset: "Reset"
label_remove_columns: "Remove selected columns"
label_save_as: "Save as"
label_select_watcher: "Select a watcher..."
label_selected_filter_list: "Selected filters"
label_show_attributes: "Show all attributes"
label_show_in_menu: "Show page in menu"
label_sort_by: "Sort by"
label_sorted_by: "sorted by"
label_sort_higher: "Move up"
label_sort_lower: "Move down"
label_sorting: "Sorting"
label_sum_for: "Sum for"
label_subject: "Subject"
label_this_week: "this week"
label_today: "today"
label_activity_show_only_comments: "Show activities with comments only"
label_activity_show_all: "Show all activities"
label_total_progress: "%{percent}% Total progress"
label_visible_for_others: "Page visible for others"
label_updated_on: "updated on"
label_warning: "Warning"
label_work_package: "Work package"
label_work_package_plural: "Work packages"
label_watch: "Watch"
label_watch_work_package: "Watch work package"
label_watcher_added_successfully: "Watcher successfully added!"
label_watcher_deleted_successfully: "Watcher successfully deleted!"
label_work_package_details_you_are_here: "You're on the %{tab} tab for %{type} %{subject}."
label_unwatch: "Unwatch"
label_unwatch_work_package: "Unwatch work package"
label_uploaded_by: "Uploaded by"
label_global_queries: "Shared queries"
label_custom_queries: "Private queries"
label_columns: "Columns"
label_attachments: Files
label_drop_files: Drop files here
label_drop_files_hint: or click to add files
label_add_attachments: "Add attachments"
label_formattable_attachment_hint: "Attach and link files by dropping on this field, or pasting from the clipboard."
label_remove_file: "Delete %{fileName}"
label_remove_watcher: "Remove watcher %{name}"
label_remove_all_files: Delete all files
label_add_description: "Add a description for %{file}"
label_upload_notification: "Uploading files for Work package #%{id}: %{subject}"
label_files_to_upload: "These files will be uploaded:"
label_rejected_files: "These files cannot be uploaded:"
label_rejected_files_reason: "These files cannot be uploaded as their size is greater than %{maximumFilesize}"
label_wait: "Please wait for configuration..."
label_upload_counter: "%{done} of %{count} files finished"
label_validation_error: "The work package could not be saved due to the following errors:"
show_modal: 'Show attribute help text entry'
field_description: 'You need to enter your account password to confirm this change.'
title: 'Confirm your password to continue'
no_other_page: "You are on the only page."
next: "Forward to the next page"
previous: "Back to the previous page"
default: '-'
subject: 'Enter subject here'
selection: 'Please select'
relation_description: 'Click to add description for this relation'
required_outside_context: 'You are not within a project context. Please choose the project context first in order to select type and status'
context: 'Project context'
work_package_belongs_to: 'This work package belongs to project %{projectname}.'
click_to_switch_context: 'Open this work package in that project.'
label: 'Project autocompletion'
text_are_you_sure: "Are you sure?"
error_duplicate_group_name: "The name %{group} is used more than once. Group names must be unique."
reset_title: "Reset form configuration"
confirm_reset: >
Warning: Are you sure you want to reset the form configuration?
This will reset the attributes to their default group, unset the visibility checkboxes, and disable ALL custom fields.
upgrade_to_ee: "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition"
upgrade_to_ee_text: "Wow! If you need this feature you are a super pro! Would you mind supporting us OpenSource developers by becoming an Enterprise Edition client?"
more_information: "More information"
nevermind: "Nevermind"
label_loading: loading watchers...
label_error_loading: An error occurred while loading the watchers
label_search_watchers: Search watchers
label_add: Add watchers
label_discard: Discard selection
typeahead_placeholder: Search for possible watchers
parent: "Parent"
children: "Children"
relates: "Related To"
duplicates: "Duplicates"
duplicated: "Duplicated by"
blocks: "Blocks"
blocked: "Blocked by"
precedes: "Precedes"
follows: "Follows"
includes: "Includes"
partof: "Part of"
requires: "Requires"
required: "Required by"
relation_type: "relation type"
hierarchy_headline: "hierarchy"
change_parent: "Change parent"
remove_parent: "Remove parent"
group_by_wp_type: "Group by work package type"
group_by_relation_type: "Group by relation type"
add_parent: "Add existing parent"
add_new_child: "Create new child"
add_existing_child: "Add existing child"
remove_child: "Remove child"
add_new_relation: "Create new relation"
update_description: "Set or update description of this relation"
toggle_description: "Toggle relation description"
update_relation: "Click to change the relation type"
add_follower: "Add follower"
add_predecessor: "Add predecessor"
remove: "Remove relation"
save: "Save relation"
abort: "Abort"
placeholder: "Enter the related work package id"
select_tag: 'Select tag'
select_branch: 'Select branch'
field_value_enter_prompt: "Enter a value for '%{field}'"
one: "Please enter one more character"
other: "Please enter {{count}} more characters"
zero: "Please enter more characters"
load_more: "Loading more results ..."
no_matches: "No matches found"
searching: "Searching ..."
one: "You can only select one item"
other: "You can only select {{limit}} items"
zero: "You cannot select any items"
sorted_asc: 'Ascending sort applied, '
sorted_dsc: 'Descending sort applied, '
sorted_no : 'No sort applied, '
sorting_disabled: 'sorting is disabled'
activate_asc: 'activate to apply an ascending sort'
activate_dsc: 'activate to apply a descending sort'
activate_no: 'activate to remove the sort'
text_work_packages_destroy_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected work package(s)?"
text_query_destroy_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected query?"
text_attachment_destroy_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment?"
gantt_chart: 'Gantt chart'
bar: 'Bar labels'
left: 'Left'
right: 'Right'
farRight: 'Far right'
showNone: '-- No label --'
description: >
Select the attributes you want to be shown in the respective positions of the Gantt chart at all times.
Note that when hovering an element, its date labels will be shown instead of these attributes.
button_activate: 'Activate timeline mode'
button_deactivate: 'Deactivate timeline mode'
cancel: Cancel
change: "Change in planning"
due_date: "Due date"
empty: "(empty)"
error: "An error has occurred."
not_implemented: "The timeline could not be rendered because it uses a feature that is not yet implemented."
report_comparison: "The timeline could not render the configured comparisons. Please check the appropriate section in the configuration, resetting it can help solve this problem."
report_epicfail: "The timeline could not be loaded due to an unexpected error."
report_timeout: "The timeline could not be loaded in a reasonable amount of time."
assigned_to: "Assignee"
type: "Type"
due_date: "End date"
name: "Name"
status: "Status"
responsible: "Responsible"
start_date: "Start date"
grouping_other: "Other"
noneSelection: "(none)"
name: "Name"
new_work_package: "New work package"
outline: "Reset Outline"
aggregation: "Show aggregations only"
level1: "Expand level 1"
level2: "Expand level 2"
level3: "Expand level 3"
level4: "Expand level 4"
level5: "Expand level 5"
all: "Show all"
project_status: "Project status"
project_type: "Project type"
really_close_dialog: "Do you really want to close the dialog and lose the entered data?"
responsible: "Responsible"
save: Save
start_date: "Start date"
tooManyProjects: "More than %{count} Projects. Please use a better filter!"
notification: 'Click on any highlighted work package to create the relation. Press escape to cancel.'
in: "Zoom in"
out: "Zoom out"
auto: "Auto zoom"
days: "Days"
weeks: "Weeks"
months: "Months"
quarters: "Quarters"
years: "Years"
slider: "Zoom slider"
zooms: "Zoom level"
outlines: "Hierarchy level"
title: "Your browser version is not supported"
message: "The browser version you are using is no longer supported by OpenProject."
update_message: 'Please update your browser.'
update_ie_user: "Please switch to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, or upgrade to Microsoft Edge."
learn_more: "Learn more"
close_warning: "Ignore this warning."
strong: "Strong"
italic: "Italic"
underline: "Underline"
deleted: "Deleted"
code: "Inline Code"
heading1: "Heading 1"
heading2: "Heading 2"
heading3: "Heading 3"
unordered_list: "Unordered List"
ordered_list: "Ordered List"
quote: "Quote"
unquote: "Unquote"
preformatted_text: "Preformatted Text"
wiki_link: "Link to a Wiki page"
image: "Image"
move: 'Bulk move'
edit: 'Bulk edit'
copy: 'Bulk copy'
delete: 'Bulk delete'
button_clear: "Clear"
comment_added: "The comment was successfully added."
comment_send_failed: "An error has occurred. Could not submit the comment."
comment_updated: "The comment was successfully updated."
confirm_edit_cancel: "Are you sure you want to cancel editing the work package?"
description_filter: "Filter"
description_enter_text: "Enter text"
description_options_hide: "Hide options"
description_options_show: "Show options"
edit_prohibited: "Editing %{attribute} is blocked for this work package. Either this attribute is derived from relations (e.g, children) or otherwise not configurable."
date: "%{attribute} is no valid date - YYYY-MM-DD expected."
general: "An error has occurred."
edit_attribute: "%{attribute} - Edit"
key_value: "%{key}: %{value}"
label_enable_multi_select: "Enable multiselect"
label_disable_multi_select: "Disable multiselect"
label_filter_add: "Add filter"
label_options: "Options"
label_column_multiselect: "Combined dropdown field: Select with arrow keys, confirm selection with enter, delete with backspace"
label_switch_to_single_select: "Switch to single select"
label_switch_to_multi_select: "Switch to multi select"
message_error_during_bulk_delete: An error occurred while trying to delete work packages.
message_successful_bulk_delete: Successfully deleted work packages.
message_successful_show_in_fullscreen: "Click here to open this work package in fullscreen view."
message_view_spent_time: "Show spent time for this work package"
no_value: "No value"
title: 'Click here to add a new work package to this list'
header: 'New %{type}'
header_no_type: 'New work package (Type not yet set)'
header_with_parent: 'New %{type} (Child of %{parent_type} #%{id})'
button: 'Create'
show: "Show hierarchy mode"
hide: "Hide hierarchy mode"
toggle_button: 'Click to toggle hierarchy mode.'
leaf: 'Work package leaf at level %{level}.'
children_collapsed: 'Hierarchy level %{level}, collapsed. Click to show the filtered children'
children_expanded: 'Hierarchy level %{level}, expanded. Click to collapse the filtered children'
title: Work packages could not be loaded.
description: Your query is erroneous and could not be processed.
title: No work packages to display.
description: Either none have been created or all work packages are filtered out.
details: "Details"
people: "People"
estimatesAndTime: "Estimates & Time"
other: "Other"
assignee: "Assignee"
author: "Author"
createdAt: "Created on"
description: "Description"
date: "Date"
dueDate: "Due date"
estimatedTime: "Estimated time"
spentTime: "Spent time"
category: "Category"
percentageDone: "Percentage done"
priority: "Priority"
projectName: "Project"
responsible: "Responsible"
startDate: "Start date"
status: "Status"
subject: "Subject"
title: "Title"
type: "Type"
updatedAt: "Updated on"
versionName: "Version"
version: "Version"
pagination: "Jump to table pagination"
label_pagination: "Click here to skip over the work packages table and go to pagination"
content: "Jump to content"
label_content: "Click here to skip over the menu and go to the content"
default: "-"
description: "Click to enter description..."
column_names: "Columns"
group_by: "Group results by"
group: "Group by"
group_by_disabled_by_hierarchy: "Group by is disabled due to the hierarchy mode being active."
hierarchy_disabled_by_group_by: "Hierarchy mode is disabled due to results being grouped by %{column}."
hierarchy_mode: "Hierarchy mode"
sort_ascending: "Sort ascending"
sort_descending: "Sort descending"
move_column_left: "Move column left"
move_column_right: "Move column right"
hide_column: "Hide column"
insert_columns: "Insert columns ..."
filters: "Filters"
display_sums: "Display Sums"
unretrievable_query: "Unable to retrieve query from URL"
not_found: "There is no such query"
text_no_results: "No matching queries were found."
summary: "Table with rows of work package and columns of work package attributes."
text_inline_edit: "Most cells of this table are buttons that activate inline-editing functionality of that attribute."
text_sort_hint: "With the links in the table headers you can sort, group, reorder, remove and add table columns."
text_select_hint: "Select boxes should be opened with 'ALT' and arrow keys."
overview: Overview
activity: Activity
relations: Relations
watchers: Watchers
attachments: Attachments
days: "days"
weeks: "weeks"
months: "months"
columns: "Columns ..."
sort_by: "Sort by ..."
group_by: "Group by ..."
display_sums: "Display sums"
display_hierarchy: "Display hierarchy"
hide_hierarchy: "Hide hierarchy"
hide_sums: "Hide sums"
save: "Save"
save_as: "Save as ..."
export: "Export ..."
publish: "Publish ..."
page_settings: "Rename query ..."
delete: "Delete"
filter: "Filter"
unselected_title: "Work package"
search_query_label: "Search saved filter queries"
search_query_title: "Click to search saved filter queries"
label_settings: "Rename query"
label_name: "Name"
label_delete_page: "Delete current page"
button_apply: "Apply"
button_save: "Save"
button_submit: "Submit"
button_cancel: "Cancel"
title: 'Confirm to continue'
text: 'Are you sure you want to perform this action?'
upsale_relation_columns: 'Need to see relations in the work package list?'
upsale_relation_columns_link: 'Check out the Enterprise Edition.'
title: "Confirm deletion of %{label}"
text: "Are you sure you want to delete the following %{label} ?"
has_children: "The work package has %{childUnits}:"
deletes_children: "All child work packages will also be deleted."
notice_successful_create: "Successful creation."
notice_successful_delete: "Successful deletion."
notice_successful_update: "Successful update."
notice_bad_request: "Bad Request."
empty: No relation exists
remove: Remove relation
button_edit: "%{attribute}: Edit"
button_save: "%{attribute}: Save"
button_cancel: "%{attribute}: Cancel"
button_save_all: "Save"
button_cancel_all: "Cancel"
link_formatting_help: "Text formatting help"
btn_preview_enable: "Preview"
btn_preview_disable: "Disable preview"
null_value_label: "No value"
clear_value_label: "-"
required: '%{field} cannot be empty'
number: '%{field} is not a valid number'
maxlength: '%{field} cannot contain more than %{maxLength} digit(s)'
minlength: '%{field} cannot contain less than %{minLength} digit(s)'
messages_on_field: 'This field is invalid: %{messages}'
error_could_not_resolve_version_name: "Couldn't resolve version name"
error_could_not_resolve_user_name: "Couldn't resolve user name"
one: "work package"
other: "work packages"
one: "one child work package"
other: "%{count} work package children"
one: "1 hour"
other: "%{count} hours"
zero: "0 hours"
button_activate: 'Activate zen mode'
button_deactivate: 'Deactivate zen mode'