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<%= I18n.t(:'mail.salutation', user: @user.firstname) %>
<%= "#{I18n.t(:'mail.digests.you_have')} #{digest_summary_text(@notification_ids.length, @mentioned_count)}" %>
<%= "-" * 100 %>
<% @aggregated_notifications.first(DigestMailer::MAX_SHOWN_WORK_PACKAGES).each do | work_package, notifications_by_work_package| %>
<%= "=" * (('# ' + + work_package.subject).length + 4) %>
= #<%= %> <%= work_package.subject %> =
<%= "=" * (('# ' + + work_package.subject).length + 4) %>
<% unique_reasons = unique_reasons_of_notifications(notifications_by_work_package) %>
<% unique_reasons.each_with_index do |reason, index| %><%= I18n.t(:"mail.work_packages.reason.#{reason || :unknown}", default: '-') %><%= ', ' unless unique_reasons.size-1 == index %><% end %>: <%= digest_notification_timestamp_text(notifications_by_work_package.first, html: false) %>
<%= digest_additional_author_text(notifications_by_work_package) %>
<% end %>
<%= "-" * 100 %>
<% if @aggregated_notifications.length > DigestMailer::MAX_SHOWN_WORK_PACKAGES %>
<% number_of_overflowing_work_packages = @aggregated_notifications.length - DigestMailer::MAX_SHOWN_WORK_PACKAGES %>
<% count = number_of_overflowing_work_packages === 1 ? 'one' : 'other' %>
<%= I18n.t(:"mail.work_packages.more_to_see.#{count}", count: number_of_overflowing_work_packages) %>
<% end %>