Static Analyzer for Solidity
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from pathlib import Path
from crytic_compile import CryticCompile
from crytic_compile.platform.solc_standard_json import SolcStandardJson
10 months ago
from slither import Slither
TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "test_data" / "inheritance_resolution"
def test_inheritance_with_renaming(solc_binary_path) -> None:
solc_path = solc_binary_path("0.8.0")
standard_json = SolcStandardJson()
for source_file in Path(TEST_DATA_DIR / "renaming").rglob("*.sol"):
compilation = CryticCompile(standard_json, solc=solc_path)
slither = Slither(compilation)
a = slither.get_contract_from_name("A")[0]
b = slither.get_contract_from_name("B")[0]
c = slither.get_contract_from_name("C")[0]
assert len(a.immediate_inheritance) == 1
assert a.immediate_inheritance[0] == b
assert len(a.inheritance) == 2
assert a.inheritance[0] == b
assert a.inheritance[1] == c
assert len(a.explicit_base_constructor_calls) == 1
a_base_constructor_call = a.explicit_base_constructor_calls[0]
assert a_base_constructor_call == b.constructor
assert len(b.inheritance) == 1
assert b.inheritance[0] == c
assert len(b.immediate_inheritance) == 1
assert b.immediate_inheritance[0] == c
assert len(b.explicit_base_constructor_calls) == 0
def test_inheritance_with_duplicate_names(solc_binary_path) -> None:
solc_path = solc_binary_path("0.8.0")
Path(TEST_DATA_DIR / "duplicate_names", "contract_with_duplicate_names.sol").as_posix(),