Static Analyzer for Solidity
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2 years ago
from pathlib import Path
from slither import Slither
from slither.utils.arithmetic import unchecked_arithemtic_usage
1 year ago
from slither.slithir.operations import Binary, Unary, Assignment
from slither.slithir.variables.temporary import TemporaryVariable
2 years ago
TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "test_data" / "arithmetic_usage"
1 year ago
def test_arithmetic_usage(solc_binary_path) -> None:
solc_path = solc_binary_path("0.8.15")
slither = Slither(Path(TEST_DATA_DIR, "test.sol").as_posix(), solc=solc_path)
assert {
f.source_mapping.content_hash for f in unchecked_arithemtic_usage(slither.contracts[0])
} == {"2b4bc73cf59d486dd9043e840b5028b679354dd9", "e4ecd4d0fda7e762d29aceb8425f2c5d4d0bf962"}
def test_scope_is_checked(solc_binary_path) -> None:
solc_path = solc_binary_path("0.8.15")
slither = Slither(Path(TEST_DATA_DIR, "unchecked_scope.sol").as_posix(), solc=solc_path)
func = slither.get_contract_from_name("TestScope")[0].get_function_from_full_name(
bin_op_is_checked = {}
for node in func.nodes:
for op in node.irs:
if isinstance(op, (Binary, Unary)):
bin_op_is_checked[op.lvalue] = op.node.scope.is_checked
if isinstance(op, Assignment) and isinstance(op.rvalue, TemporaryVariable):
assert bin_op_is_checked[op.rvalue] is True
assert bin_op_is_checked[op.rvalue] is False