# Slither, the Solidity source analyzer
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Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It provides an API to easily manipulate Solidity code. In addition to exposing a Solidity contracts AST, Slither provides many APIs to quickly check local and state variable usage.
With Slither you can:
- Detect vulnerabilities
- Speed up your understanding of code
- Build custom analyses to answer specific questions
- Quickly prototype a new static analysis techniques
## How to install
Slither uses Python 3.6.
$ python setup.py install
You may also want solc, the Solidity compiler, which can be installed using homebrew:
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade
$ brew tap ethereum/ethereum
$ brew install solidity
$ brew linkapps solidity
or with aptitude:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install solc
## How to use
$ slither file.sol
$ slither examples/bugs/uninitialized.sol
INFO:Detectors:Uninitialized state variables in examples/bugs/uninitialized.sol, Contract: Uninitialized, Vars: destination, Used in ['transfer']
If Slither is applied on a directory, it will run on every `.sol` file of the directory.
## Checks available
By default, all the checks are run.
Check | Purpose | Impact | Confidence | Prioritization
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
`--detect-uninitialized` | Detect uninitialized variables | High | High | High
`--detect-pragma` | Detect if different pragma directives are used | Informational | High | Informational
`--detect-reentrancy` | Detect if different pragma directives are used | High | Medium | Medium
`--detect-solc-version` | Detect if an old version of Solidity is used (< 0.4.23 ) | Informational | High | Informational
A high prioritization check is likely to be a true positive with a severe impact.
### Exclude analyses
* `--exclude-informational` : Exclude informational prioritization analyses
* `--exclude-low` : Exclude low prioritization analyses
* `--exclude-medium` : Exclude medium prioritization impact analyses
* `--exclude-high` : Exclude high impact prioritization analyses
* `--exclude-name` will exclude the detector `name`
## Configuration
* `--solc SOLC` : Path to `solc` (default 'solc')
* `--solc-args SOLC_ARGS` : Add custom solc arguments. `SOLC_ARGS` can contain multiple arguments.
* `--disable-solc-warnings` : Do not print solc warnings
* `--solc-ast` : Use the solc AST file as input (`solc file.sol --ast-json > file.ast.json`)
* `--json FILE` : Export results as JSON
## Printers
* `--printer-summary` : Print a summary of the contracts
* `--printer-quick-summary` : Print a quick summary of the contracts
* `--printer-inheritance` : Print the inheritance graph
* `--printer-vars-and-auth` : Print the variables written and the check on `msg.sender` of each function.
For more information about printers, see the [Printers documentation ](docs/PRINTERS.md )
## License
Slither is licensed and distributed under the AGPLv3 license. [Contact us ](mailto:opensource@trailofbits.com ) if you're looking for an exception to the terms.