@ -32,25 +32,10 @@ If Slither is run on a directory, it will run on every `.sol` file of the direct |
* `--disable-solc-warnings`: Do not print solc warnings |
* `--solc-ast`: Use the solc AST file as input (`solc file.sol --ast-json > file.ast.json`) |
* `--json FILE`: Export results as JSON |
* `--exclude-name`: Excludes the detector `name` from analysis |
### Printers |
By default, the `contract-summary` printer is used. Use --printers comma-separated list of printers, |
or `none` to disable the default printer. |
Num | Printer | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
1 | `contract-summary` | a summary of the contract |
2 | `function-summary` | the summary of the functions |
3 | `inheritance` | the inheritance relation between contracts |
4 | `inheritance-graph` | the inheritance graph |
5 | `slithir` | the slithIR |
6 | `vars-and-auth` | the state variables written and the authorization of the functions |
## Detectors |
By default, all the detectors are run. Use --detectors comma-separated list of detectors to run. |
By default, all the detectors are run. Use `--detectors` comma-separated list of detectors to run. |
Num | Detector | What it Detects | Impact | Confidence |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
@ -72,6 +57,20 @@ Num | Detector | What it Detects | Impact | Confidence |
[Contact us](https://www.trailofbits.com/contact/) to get access to additional detectors. |
### Printers |
Use `--printers` comma-separated list of printers. |
Num | Printer | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
1 | `contract-summary` | a summary of the contract |
2 | `function-summary` | the summary of the functions |
3 | `inheritance` | the inheritance relation between contracts |
4 | `inheritance-graph` | the inheritance graph |
5 | `slithir` | the slithIR |
6 | `vars-and-auth` | the state variables written and the authorization of the functions |
## How to install |
Slither requires Python 3.6+ and [solc](https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/), the Solidity compiler. |