@ -2,14 +2,20 @@
Module printing summary of the contract
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple , List , Dict
from slither . core . declarations import SolidityFunction , Function
from slither . core . variables . state_variable import StateVariable
from slither . printers . abstract_printer import AbstractPrinter
from slither . slithir . operations import LowLevelCall , HighLevelCall , Transfer , Send , SolidityCall
from slither . utils import output
from slither . utils . code_complexity import compute_cyclomatic_complexity
from slither . utils . colors import green , red , yellow
from slither . utils . myprettytable import MyPrettyTable
from slither . utils . standard_libraries import is_standard_library
from slither . core . cfg . node import NodeType
from slither . utils . tests_pattern import is_test_file
class PrinterHumanSummary ( AbstractPrinter ) :
@ -27,40 +33,36 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
pause = ' pause ' in functions_name
if ' mint ' in functions_name :
if not ' mintingFinished ' in state_variables :
mint_limited = False
if ' mintingFinished ' in state_variables :
mint_un limited = False
else :
mint_limited = True
mint_un limited = True
else :
mint_limited = None # no minting
mint_un limited = None # no minting
race_condition_mitigated = ' increaseApproval ' in functions_name or \
' safeIncreaseAllowance ' in functions_name
return pause , mint_limited , race_condition_mitigated
return pause , mint_un limited , race_condition_mitigated
def get_summary_erc20 ( self , contract ) :
txt = ' '
pause , mint_limited , race_condition_mitigated = self . _get_summary_erc20 ( contract )
pause , mint_un limited , race_condition_mitigated = self . _get_summary_erc20 ( contract )
if pause :
txt + = " \t \t Can be paused? : {} \n " . format ( yellow ( ' Yes ' ) )
else :
txt + = " \t \t Can be paused? : {} \n " . format ( green ( ' No ' ) )
txt + = yellow ( " Pausable " ) + " \n "
if mint_limited is None :
txt + = " \t \t Minting restriction? : {} \n " . format ( green ( ' No Minting ' ) )
if mint_unlimited is None :
txt + = green ( " No Minting " ) + " \n "
else :
if mint_limited :
txt + = " \t \t Minting restriction? : {} \n " . format ( red ( ' Yes ' ) )
if mint_un limited :
txt + = red ( " ∞ Minting " ) + " \n "
else :
txt + = " \t \t Minting restriction? : {} \n " . format ( yellow ( ' No ' ) )
txt + = yellow ( " Minting " ) + " \n "
if race_condition_mitigated :
txt + = " \t \t ERC20 race condition mitigation: {} \n " . format ( green ( ' Yes ' ) )
else :
txt + = " \t \t ERC20 race condition mitigation: {} \n " . format ( red ( ' No ' ) )
if not race_condition_mitigated :
txt + = red ( " Approve Race Cond. " ) + " \n "
return txt
@ -139,8 +141,7 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
is_complex = self . _is_complex_code ( contract )
result = red ( ' Yes ' ) if is_complex else green ( ' No ' )
return " \t Complex code? {} \n " . format ( result )
return result
def _number_functions ( contract ) :
@ -151,6 +152,8 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
return None
total_dep_lines = 0
total_lines = 0
total_tests_lines = 0
for filename , source_code in self . slither . source_code . items ( ) :
lines = len ( source_code . splitlines ( ) )
is_dep = False
@ -158,9 +161,12 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
is_dep = self . slither . crytic_compile . is_dependency ( filename )
if is_dep :
total_dep_lines + = lines
else :
if is_test_file ( Path ( filename ) ) :
total_tests_lines + = lines
else :
total_lines + = lines
return total_lines , total_dep_lines
return total_lines , total_dep_lines , total_tests_lines
def _get_number_of_assembly_lines ( self ) :
total_asm_lines = 0
@ -176,14 +182,14 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
def _compilation_type ( self ) :
if self . slither . crytic_compile is None :
return ' Compilation non standard \n '
return f ' Compiled with { self . slither . crytic_compile . type } \n '
return f ' Compiled with { str ( self . slither . crytic_compile . type ) } \n '
def _number_contracts ( self ) :
if self . slither . crytic_compile is None :
len ( self . slither . contracts ) , 0
deps = [ c for c in self . slither . contracts if c . is_from_dependency ( ) ]
contrac ts = [ c for c in self . slither . contracts if not c . is_from_dependency ( ) ]
return len ( contracts ) , len ( deps )
tes ts = [ c for c in self . slither . contracts if c . is_test ]
return len ( self . slither . contracts ) - len ( deps ) - len ( tests ) , len ( deps ) , len ( test s )
def _standard_libraries ( self ) :
libraries = [ ]
@ -200,6 +206,59 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
ercs + = contract . ercs ( )
return list ( set ( ercs ) )
def _get_features ( self , contract ) :
has_payable = False
can_send_eth = False
can_selfdestruct = False
has_ecrecover = False
can_delegatecall = False
has_token_interaction = False
has_assembly = False
use_abi_encoder = False
for pragma in self . slither . pragma_directives :
if pragma . source_mapping [ " filename_absolute " ] == contract . source_mapping [ " filename_absolute " ] :
if pragma . is_abi_encoder_v2 :
use_abi_encoder = True
for function in contract . functions :
if function . payable :
has_payable = True
if function . contains_assembly :
has_assembly = True
for ir in function . slithir_operations :
if isinstance ( ir , ( LowLevelCall , HighLevelCall , Send , Transfer ) ) and ir . call_value :
can_send_eth = True
if isinstance ( ir , SolidityCall ) and ir . function in [ SolidityFunction ( " suicide(address) " ) ,
SolidityFunction ( " selfdestruct(address) " ) ] :
can_selfdestruct = True
if ( isinstance ( ir , SolidityCall ) and
ir . function == SolidityFunction ( " ecrecover(bytes32,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) " ) ) :
has_ecrecover = True
if isinstance ( ir , LowLevelCall ) and ir . function_name in [ " delegatecall " , " callcode " ] :
can_delegatecall = True
if isinstance ( ir , HighLevelCall ) :
if isinstance ( ir . function , ( Function , StateVariable ) ) and ir . function . contract . is_possible_token :
has_token_interaction = True
return {
" Receive ETH " : has_payable ,
" Send ETH " : can_send_eth ,
" Selfdestruct " : can_selfdestruct ,
" Ecrecover " : has_ecrecover ,
" Delegatecall " : can_delegatecall ,
" Tokens interaction " : has_token_interaction ,
" AbiEncoderV2 " : use_abi_encoder ,
" Assembly " : has_assembly ,
" Upgradeable " : contract . is_upgradeable ,
" Proxy " : contract . is_upgradeable_proxy ,
def output ( self , _filename ) :
_filename is not used
@ -225,16 +284,16 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
lines_number = self . _lines_number ( )
if lines_number :
total_lines , total_dep_lines = lines_number
txt + = f ' Number of lines: { total_lines } (+ { total_dep_lines } in dependencies) \n '
total_lines , total_dep_lines , total_tests_lines = lines_number
txt + = f ' Number of lines: { total_lines } (+ { total_dep_lines } in dependencies, + { total_tests_lines } in tests ) \n '
results [ ' number_lines ' ] = total_lines
results [ ' number_lines__dependencies ' ] = total_dep_lines
total_asm_lines = self . _get_number_of_assembly_lines ( )
txt + = f " Number of assembly lines: { total_asm_lines } \n "
results [ ' number_lines_assembly ' ] = total_asm_lines
number_contracts , number_contracts_deps = self . _number_contracts ( )
txt + = f ' Number of contracts: { number_contracts } (+ { number_contracts_deps } in dependencies) \n \n '
number_contracts , number_contracts_deps , number_contracts_tests = self . _number_contracts ( )
txt + = f ' Number of contracts: { number_contracts } (+ { number_contracts_deps } in dependencies, + { number_contracts_tests } tests ) \n \n '
txt_detectors , detectors_results , optimization , info , low , medium , high = self . get_detectors_result ( )
txt + = txt_detectors
@ -258,26 +317,36 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
txt + = f ' ERCs: { " , " . join ( ercs ) } \n '
results [ ' ercs ' ] = [ str ( e ) for e in ercs ]
table = MyPrettyTable ( [ " Name " , " # functions " , " ERCS " , " ERC20 info " , " Complex code " , " Features " ] )
for contract in self . slither . contracts_derived :
txt + = " \n Contract {} \n " . format ( contract . name )
txt + = self . is_complex_code ( contract )
txt + = ' \t Number of functions: {} \n ' . format ( self . _number_functions ( contract ) )
ercs = contract . ercs ( )
if ercs :
txt + = ' \t ERCs: ' + ' , ' . join ( ercs ) + ' \n '
if contract . is_from_dependency ( ) or contract . is_test :
is_complex = self . is_complex_code ( contract )
number_functions = self . _number_functions ( contract )
ercs = ' , ' . join ( contract . ercs ( ) )
is_erc20 = contract . is_erc20 ( )
erc20_info = ' '
if is_erc20 :
txt + = ' \t ERC20 info: \n '
txt + = self . get_summary_erc20 ( contract )
erc20_info + = self . get_summary_erc20 ( contract )
features = " \n " . join ( [ name for name , to_print in self . _get_features ( contract ) . items ( ) if to_print ] )
self . info ( txt )
table . add_row ( [ contract . name , number_functions , ercs , erc20_info , is_complex , features ] )
self . info ( txt + ' \n ' + str ( table ) )
results_contract = output . Output ( ' ' )
for contract in self . slither . contracts_derived :
if contract . is_test or contract . is_from_dependency ( ) :
contract_d = { ' contract_name ' : contract . name ,
' is_complex_code ' : self . _is_complex_code ( contract ) ,
' is_erc20 ' : contract . is_erc20 ( ) ,
' number_functions ' : self . _number_functions ( contract ) }
' number_functions ' : self . _number_functions ( contract ) ,
' features ' : [ name for name , to_print in self . _get_features ( contract ) . items ( ) if to_print ] }
if contract_d [ ' is_erc20 ' ] :
pause , mint_limited , race_condition_mitigated = self . _get_summary_erc20 ( contract )
contract_d [ ' erc20_pause ' ] = pause
@ -287,7 +356,6 @@ class PrinterHumanSummary(AbstractPrinter):
else :
contract_d [ ' erc20_can_mint ' ] = False
contract_d [ ' erc20_race_condition_mitigated ' ] = race_condition_mitigated
results_contract . add_contract ( contract , additional_fields = contract_d )
results [ ' contracts ' ] [ ' elements ' ] = results_contract . elements