SHELL := /bin/bash PY_MODULE := slither ALL_PY_SRCS := $(shell find $(PY_MODULE) -name '*.py') \ $(shell find test -name '*.py') # Optionally overriden by the user, if they're using a virtual environment manager. VENV ?= env # On Windows, venv scripts/shims are under `Scripts` instead of `bin`. VENV_BIN := $(VENV)/bin ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) VENV_BIN := $(VENV)/Scripts endif # Optionally overridden by the user in the `release` target. BUMP_ARGS := # Optionally overridden by the user in the `test` target. TESTS := # Optionally overridden by the user/CI, to limit the installation to a specific # subset of development dependencies. SLITHER_EXTRA := dev # If the user selects a specific test pattern to run, set `pytest` to fail fast # and only run tests that match the pattern. # Otherwise, run all tests and enable coverage assertions, since we expect # complete test coverage. ifneq ($(TESTS),) TEST_ARGS := -x -k $(TESTS) COV_ARGS := else TEST_ARGS := -n auto COV_ARGS := --cov-append # --fail-under 100 endif .PHONY: all all: @echo "Run my targets individually!" .PHONY: dev dev: $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg .PHONY: run run: $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg @. $(VENV_BIN)/activate && slither $(ARGS) $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg: pyproject.toml # Create our Python 3 virtual environment python3 -m venv env $(VENV_BIN)/python -m pip install --upgrade pip $(VENV_BIN)/python -m pip install -e .[$(SLITHER_EXTRA)] .PHONY: lint lint: $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg . $(VENV_BIN)/activate && \ black --check $(ALL_PY_SRCS) && \ pylint $(ALL_PY_SRCS) # ruff $(ALL_PY_SRCS) && \ # mypy $(PY_MODULE) && .PHONY: reformat reformat: . $(VENV_BIN)/activate && \ black $(PY_MODULE) .PHONY: test tests test tests: $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg . $(VENV_BIN)/activate && \ pytest --cov=$(PY_MODULE) $(T) $(TEST_ARGS) && \ python -m coverage report -m $(COV_ARGS) .PHONY: doc doc: $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg . $(VENV_BIN)/activate && \ PDOC_ALLOW_EXEC=1 pdoc -o html slither '!' .PHONY: package package: $(VENV)/pyvenv.cfg . $(VENV_BIN)/activate && \ python3 -m build .PHONY: edit edit: $(EDITOR) $(ALL_PY_SRCS)