from pathlib import Path from slither import Slither from slither.core.declarations.contract import Contract from slither.slithir.operations import LibraryCall, InternalCall TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "test_data" def test_top_level_using_for(solc_binary_path) -> None: solc_path = solc_binary_path("0.8.24") slither = Slither(Path(TEST_DATA_DIR, "top_level_using_for.sol").as_posix(), solc=solc_path) function = slither.compilation_units[0].functions_top_level[1] assert == "b" # LIBRARY_CALL, dest:Lib, function:Lib.a(uint256), arguments:['4'] first_ir = function.slithir_operations[0] assert ( isinstance(first_ir, LibraryCall) and isinstance(first_ir.destination, Contract) and == "Lib" and first_ir.function_name == "a" and len(first_ir.arguments) == 1 ) # INTERNAL_CALL, c(uint256)(y) second_ir = function.slithir_operations[1] assert ( isinstance(second_ir, InternalCall) and second_ir.function_name == "c" and len(second_ir.arguments) == 1 and second_ir.arguments[0].name == "y" ) # LIBRARY_CALL, dest:Lib, function:Lib.a(uint256), arguments:['y'] third_ir = function.slithir_operations[2] assert ( isinstance(third_ir, LibraryCall) and isinstance(third_ir.destination, Contract) and == "Lib" and third_ir.function_name == "a" and len(third_ir.arguments) == 1 and third_ir.arguments[0].name == "y" )