INFO:Detectors: Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#2: - Usage of "block.blockhash()" should be replaced with "blockhash()" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#7: - Usage of "msg.gas" should be replaced with "gasleft()" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#9: - Usage of "throw" should be replaced with "revert()" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#16: - Usage of "sha3()" should be replaced with "keccak256()" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#19: - Usage of "block.blockhash()" should be replaced with "blockhash()" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#22: - Usage of "callcode" should be replaced with "delegatecall" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#25: - Usage of "suicide()" should be replaced with "selfdestruct()" Deprecated standard detected @ tests/deprecated_calls.sol#2: - Usage of "block.blockhash()" should be replaced with "blockhash()" Reference: INFO:Slither:tests/deprecated_calls.sol analyzed (1 contracts), 8 result(s) found