## Run initialization checks... (see https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Upgradeability-Checks#initialization-checks) All the init functions have the initializer modifier No missing call to an init function found Contract_no_bug.initialize() is called multiple times in initialize() Check the deployement script to ensure that these functions are called: Contract_double_call needs to be initialized by initialize()  No error found  ## Run variable initialization checks... (see https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Upgradeability-Checks) No error found  ## Run function ids checks... (see https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Upgradeability-Checks#functions-ids-checks) No error found  ## Run variables ordering checks between Contract_double_call and Proxy... (see https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Upgradeability-Checks#variables-order-checks) No error found