""" tests for `slither.core.declarations.Function`. tests that `tests/test_function.sol` gets translated into correct `slither.core.declarations.Function` objects or its subclasses and that these objects behave correctly. """ from solc_select import solc_select from slither import Slither from slither.core.declarations.function import FunctionType from slither.core.solidity_types.elementary_type import ElementaryType def test_functions(): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements solc_select.switch_global_version("0.6.12", always_install=True) slither = Slither("tests/test_function.sol") functions = slither.get_contract_from_name("TestFunction")[0].available_functions_as_dict() f = functions["external_payable(uint256)"] assert f.name == "external_payable" assert f.full_name == "external_payable(uint256)" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.external_payable(uint256)" assert f.solidity_signature == "external_payable(uint256)" assert f.signature_str == "external_payable(uint256) returns(uint256)" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is True assert f.visibility == "external" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters[0].name == "_a" assert f.parameters[0].type == ElementaryType("uint256") assert f.return_type[0] == ElementaryType("uint256") f = functions["public_reenter()"] assert f.name == "public_reenter" assert f.full_name == "public_reenter()" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.public_reenter()" assert f.solidity_signature == "public_reenter()" assert f.signature_str == "public_reenter() returns()" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is True assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is False assert f.visibility == "public" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters == [] assert f.return_type is None f = functions["public_payable_reenter_send(bool)"] assert f.name == "public_payable_reenter_send" assert f.full_name == "public_payable_reenter_send(bool)" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.public_payable_reenter_send(bool)" assert f.solidity_signature == "public_payable_reenter_send(bool)" assert f.signature_str == "public_payable_reenter_send(bool) returns()" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is True assert f.can_send_eth() is True assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is True assert f.visibility == "public" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters[0].name == "_b" assert f.parameters[0].type == ElementaryType("bool") assert f.return_type is None f = functions["external_send(uint8)"] assert f.name == "external_send" assert f.full_name == "external_send(uint8)" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.external_send(uint8)" assert f.solidity_signature == "external_send(uint8)" assert f.signature_str == "external_send(uint8) returns()" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is True assert f.can_send_eth() is True assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is False assert f.visibility == "external" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters[0].name == "_c" assert f.parameters[0].type == ElementaryType("uint8") assert f.return_type is None f = functions["internal_assembly(bytes)"] assert f.name == "internal_assembly" assert f.full_name == "internal_assembly(bytes)" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.internal_assembly(bytes)" assert f.solidity_signature == "internal_assembly(bytes)" assert f.signature_str == "internal_assembly(bytes) returns(uint256)" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is True assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is False assert f.visibility == "internal" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters[0].name == "_d" assert f.parameters[0].type == ElementaryType("bytes") assert f.return_type[0] == ElementaryType("uint256") f = functions["fallback()"] assert f.name == "fallback" assert f.full_name == "fallback()" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.fallback()" assert f.solidity_signature == "fallback()" assert f.signature_str == "fallback() returns()" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.FALLBACK assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is True assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is False assert f.visibility == "external" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is True assert f.parameters == [] assert f.return_type is None f = functions["receive()"] assert f.name == "receive" assert f.full_name == "receive()" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.receive()" assert f.solidity_signature == "receive()" assert f.signature_str == "receive() returns()" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.RECEIVE assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is True assert f.payable is True assert f.visibility == "external" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is True assert f.parameters == [] assert f.return_type is None f = functions["constructor(address)"] assert f.name == "constructor" assert f.full_name == "constructor(address)" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.constructor(address)" assert f.solidity_signature == "constructor(address)" assert f.signature_str == "constructor(address) returns()" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.CONSTRUCTOR assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is True assert f.visibility == "public" assert f.view is False assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is True assert f.parameters[0].name == "_e" assert f.parameters[0].type == ElementaryType("address") assert f.return_type is None f = functions["private_view()"] assert f.name == "private_view" assert f.full_name == "private_view()" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.private_view()" assert f.solidity_signature == "private_view()" assert f.signature_str == "private_view() returns(bool)" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is False assert f.visibility == "private" assert f.view is True assert f.pure is False assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters == [] assert f.return_type[0] == ElementaryType("bool") f = functions["public_pure()"] assert f.name == "public_pure" assert f.full_name == "public_pure()" assert f.canonical_name == "TestFunction.public_pure()" assert f.solidity_signature == "public_pure()" assert f.signature_str == "public_pure() returns(bool)" assert f.function_type == FunctionType.NORMAL assert f.contains_assembly is False assert f.can_reenter() is False assert f.can_send_eth() is False assert f.is_constructor is False assert f.is_fallback is False assert f.is_receive is False assert f.payable is False assert f.visibility == "public" assert f.view is True assert f.pure is True assert f.is_implemented is True assert f.is_empty is False assert f.parameters == [] assert f.return_type[0] == ElementaryType("bool") def test_function_can_send_eth(): slither = Slither("tests/test_function.sol") compilation_unit = slither.compilation_units[0] functions = compilation_unit.get_contract_from_name("TestFunctionCanSendEth")[ 0 ].available_functions_as_dict() assert functions["send_direct()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["transfer_direct()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["call_direct()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["highlevel_call_direct()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["send_via_internal()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["transfer_via_internal()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["call_via_internal()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["highlevel_call_via_internal()"].can_send_eth() is True assert functions["send_via_external()"].can_send_eth() is False assert functions["transfer_via_external()"].can_send_eth() is False assert functions["call_via_external()"].can_send_eth() is False assert functions["highlevel_call_via_external()"].can_send_eth() is False def test_public_variable() -> None: solc_select.switch_global_version("0.6.12", always_install=True) slither = Slither("tests/test_function.sol") contracts = slither.get_contract_from_name("TestFunction") assert len(contracts) == 1 contract = contracts[0] var = contract.get_state_variable_from_name("info") assert var assert var.solidity_signature == "info()" assert var.signature_str == "info() returns(bytes32)" assert var.visibility == "public" assert var.type == ElementaryType("bytes32")