pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract A{} interface I{} contract Test{ function ether_unit() public{ 1 wei; 1 ether; } function time_unit() public{ 1 seconds; 1 minutes; 1 hours; 1 days; 1 weeks; } function block_and_transactions() payable public{ blockhash(0); block.basefee; block.chainid; block.coinbase; block.difficulty; block.gaslimit; block.number; block.timestamp; gasleft();; msg.sender; msg.sig; msg.value; block.timestamp; tx.gasprice; tx.origin; } function abi_encode() public{ bytes memory m; abi.decode(m, (uint, uint)); abi.encode(10); abi.encodePacked(uint(10)); bytes4 selector; abi.encodeWithSelector(selector, 10); string memory signature; abi.encodeWithSignature(signature, 10); } function member() public{ bytes1 b1; bytes32 b32; bytes.concat(b1, b32); string.concat("", ""); } function error_handling() public{ assert(true); require(true); require(true, "something"); revert(); revert("something"); } function math_and_crypto() public{ addmod(0, 0, 1); mulmod(0, 0, 1); keccak256(""); sha256(""); ripemd160(""); bytes32 hash; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s; ecrecover(hash,v,r,s); } function address_related() public{ address payable a; a.balance; a.code; a.codehash; a.send(0); a.transfer(0);""); a.delegatecall(""); a.staticcall(""); } function return_addr() internal returns(address){} function address_edge_case() public{ // For now slithIR loss precision on this edge case // And create a Ref variable instead of a Temporary one return_addr().balance; return_addr().code; return_addr().codehash; } function contract_related() public{ this; address payable a; selfdestruct(a); } function type_related() public{ type(A).name; type(A).creationCode; type(A).runtimeCode; type(I).interfaceId; type(uint256).min; type(uint256).min; } }