# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name import os from pathlib import Path import tempfile import shutil from contextlib import contextmanager import pytest from filelock import FileLock from solc_select import solc_select from slither import Slither def pytest_configure(config): """Create a temporary directory for the tests to use.""" if is_master(): config.stash["shared_directory"] = tempfile.mkdtemp() def pytest_unconfigure(config): """Remove the temporary directory after the tests are done.""" if is_master(): shutil.rmtree(config.stash["shared_directory"]) def pytest_configure_node(node): """Configure each worker node with the shared directory.""" node.workerinput["shared_directory"] = node.config.stash["shared_directory"] def is_master(): """Returns True if the current process is the master process (which does not have a worker id).""" return os.environ.get("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER") is None @pytest.fixture def shared_directory(request): """Returns the shared directory for the current process.""" if is_master(): return request.config.stash["shared_directory"] return request.config.workerinput["shared_directory"] @pytest.fixture def solc_binary_path(shared_directory): """ Returns the path to the solc binary for the given version. If the binary is not installed, it will be installed. """ def inner(version): lock = FileLock(f"{shared_directory}/{version}.lock", timeout=60) with lock: if not solc_select.artifact_path(version).exists(): print("Installing solc version", version) solc_select.install_artifacts([version]) return solc_select.artifact_path(version).as_posix() return inner @pytest.fixture def slither_from_source(solc_binary_path): @contextmanager def inner(source_code: str, solc_version: str = "0.8.19", legacy: bool = False): """Yields a Slither instance using source_code string and solc_version. Creates a temporary file and compiles with solc_version. """ fname = "" try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".sol", delete=False) as f: fname = f.name f.write(source_code) solc_path = solc_binary_path(solc_version) yield Slither(fname, solc=solc_path, force_legacy=legacy) finally: Path(fname).unlink() return inner