import json import os import re import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Dict, Tuple import pytest from deepdiff import DeepDiff from solc_select.solc_select import install_artifacts as install_solc_versions from solc_select.solc_select import installed_versions as get_installed_solc_versions from crytic_compile import CryticCompile, save_to_zip from import load_from_zip from slither import Slither from slither.printers.guidance.echidna import Echidna SLITHER_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) TEST_ROOT = os.path.join(SLITHER_ROOT, "tests", "ast-parsing") # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class Test: def __init__(self, test_file: str, solc_versions: List[str], disable_legacy: bool = False): self.solc_versions = solc_versions self.test_file = test_file self.disable_legacy = disable_legacy versions_with_flavors: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] flavors = ["compact"] if not self.disable_legacy: flavors += ["legacy"] for version in solc_versions: for flavor in flavors: if flavor == "legacy" and version > "0.8": # No legacy for >0.8 continue versions_with_flavors.append((version, flavor)) self.versions_with_flavors = versions_with_flavors def generate_output(sl: Slither) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: output = {} for contract in sl.contracts: output[] = {} for func_or_modifier in contract.functions + contract.modifiers: output[][ func_or_modifier.full_name ] = func_or_modifier.slithir_cfg_to_dot_str(skip_expressions=True) return output def make_version(minor: int, patch_min: int, patch_max: int) -> List[str]: return [f"0.{minor}.{x}" for x in range(patch_min, patch_max + 1)] VERSIONS_04 = make_version(4, 0, 26) VERSIONS_05 = make_version(5, 0, 17) VERSIONS_06 = make_version(6, 0, 12) VERSIONS_07 = make_version(7, 0, 6) VERSIONS_08 = make_version(8, 0, 12) ALL_VERSIONS = VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08 ALL_TESTS = [ Test("using-for-0.4.0.sol", ["0.4.0"]), Test( "using-for-0.4.1.sol", make_version(4, 1, 26) + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "top-level-import-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + ["0.7.0"], ), Test("top-level-import-0.7.1.sol", make_version(7, 1, 6) + VERSIONS_08), Test("function-0.4.0.sol", make_version(4, 0, 15)), Test("function-0.4.16.sol", make_version(4, 16, 21)), Test("function-0.4.22.sol", ["0.4.22"]), Test("function-0.4.23.sol", make_version(4, 23, 26)), Test("function-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05), # TODO: legacy is failing Test("function-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06, disable_legacy=True), # TODO: failing # Test("function-0.7.0.sol", ["0.7.0"]), # TODO: legacy failing with 0.7 Test("function-0.7.1.sol", make_version(7, 1, 6), disable_legacy=True), Test("function-0.7.1.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test( "top-level-import-bis-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + ["0.7.0"], ), Test("top-level-import-bis-0.7.1.sol", make_version(7, 1, 6) + VERSIONS_08), # TODO: failing # Test( # "variabledeclaration-0.4.0.sol", # make_version(4, 0, 23), # disable_legacy=True, # ), # # TODO: failing # Test( # "variabledeclaration-0.4.24.sol", # make_version(4, 24, 26), # disable_legacy=True, # ), Test( "variabledeclaration-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, disable_legacy=True, ), Test("functioncall-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "functioncall-0.4.5.sol", make_version(4, 5, 9), ), Test( "functioncall-0.5.0.sol", make_version(5, 0, 2), ), Test( "functioncall-0.5.3.sol", make_version(5, 3, 17), ), Test( "functioncall-0.6.0.sol", make_version(6, 0, 1), ), Test( "functioncall-0.6.2.sol", make_version(6, 2, 7), ), Test( "functioncall-0.6.8.sol", make_version(6, 8, 12), ), Test( "functioncall-0.7.0.sol", VERSIONS_07, ), Test( "functioncall-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "break-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test( "top-level-nested-import-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + ["0.7.0"], ), Test( "top-level-nested-import-0.7.1.sol", make_version(7, 1, 6) + VERSIONS_08, ), # + [f"variable_0.6.{ver}_legacy" for ver in range(5, 23)] # + [f"variable_0.6.{ver}_compact" for ver in range(5, 23)] # + [f"variable_0.7.{ver}_legacy" for ver in range(0, 2)] # + [f"variable_0.7.{ver}_compact" for ver in range(0, 2)] Test( "call_to_variable-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("yul-0.4.0.sol", ["0.4.0"]), Test("yul-0.4.1.sol", make_version(4, 1, 10)), Test( "yul-0.4.11.sol", make_version(4, 11, 26) + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06, ), Test("yul-0.7.0.sol", make_version(7, 0, 4)), Test("yul-0.7.5.sol", make_version(7, 5, 6)), Test("yul-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test("pragma-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test("pragma-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05), Test("pragma-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06), Test("pragma-0.7.0.sol", VERSIONS_07), Test("pragma-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test( "assembly-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("struct-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05), # TODO: legacy failing Test( "struct-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, disable_legacy=True, ), # TODO: currently failing # Test("emit-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), # Test( # "emit-0.4.8.sol", # make_version(4, 8, 20) # ), # Test( # "emit-0.4.21.sol", # make_version(4, 21, 26) # ), Test( "emit-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), # TODO: failing # Test("import-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), # Test( # "import-0.4.3.sol", # make_version(4, 3, 9) + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, # ), Test("tupleexpression-0.4.0.sol", make_version(4, 0, 23)), Test("tupleexpression-0.4.24.sol", make_version(4, 24, 26) + VERSIONS_05), Test( "tupleexpression-0.5.3.sol", make_version(5, 3, 9) + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test("literal-0.4.0.sol", make_version(4, 0, 9)), Test("literal-0.4.10.sol", make_version(4, 10, 26)), Test("literal-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05), Test("literal-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06), # TODO: failing # Test("literal-0.7.0.sol", VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08), Test("memberaccess-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05), Test( "memberaccess-0.5.3.sol", make_version(5, 3, 9), ), # TODO: Legacy failing from 0.6 Test( "memberaccess-0.5.3.sol", VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, disable_legacy=True, ), Test("throw-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "throw-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "top_level_variable2-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07, ), Test("top_level_variable2-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test( "comment-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("assignment-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "assignment-0.4.7.sol", make_version(4, 7, 9) + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "event-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), # TODO: legacy not working Test( "indexrangeaccess-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + ["0.6.0"], ), Test("indexrangeaccess-0.4.0.sol", ["0.6.0"], disable_legacy=True), Test( "indexrangeaccess-0.6.1.sol", make_version(6, 1, 12) + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, disable_legacy=True, ), Test("variable-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test("variable-0.4.5.sol", make_version(4, 5, 13)), Test("variable-0.4.14.sol", make_version(4, 14, 15)), Test("variable-0.4.16.sol", make_version(4, 16, 26)), Test("variable-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + make_version(6, 0, 4)), Test("variable-0.6.5.sol", make_version(6, 5, 8)), Test("variable-0.6.9.sol", make_version(6, 9, 12) + VERSIONS_07), Test("variable-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test( "continue-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test( "if-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test( "modifier-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("library_implicit_conversion-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "library_implicit_conversion-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.5.0.sol", make_version(5, 0, 3)), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.5.4.sol", make_version(5, 4, 17)), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.7.0.sol", VERSIONS_07), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.8.4.sol", make_version(8, 4, 6)), Test("units_and_global_variables-0.8.7.sol", make_version(8, 7, 9)), Test( "push-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test( "indexaccess-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("minmax-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06), Test( "minmax-0.6.8.sol", make_version(6, 8, 9) + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test("dowhile-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "dowhile-0.4.5.sol", make_version(4, 5, 9) + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "custom_error-0.4.0.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("custom_error-0.8.4.sol", make_version(8, 4, 9)), Test( "top-level-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + ["0.7.0"], ), Test("top-level-0.7.1.sol", make_version(7, 1, 3)), Test("top-level-0.7.4.sol", make_version(7, 4, 6) + VERSIONS_08), Test("contract-0.4.0.sol", make_version(4, 0, 21)), Test("contract-0.4.22.sol", make_version(4, 22, 26) + VERSIONS_05), Test("contract-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08), Test( "import_interface_with_struct_from_top_level-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + make_version(7, 0, 5), ), Test( "import_interface_with_struct_from_top_level-0.7.6.sol", ["0.7.6"] + VERSIONS_08, ), Test("scope-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "scope-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "conditional-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test( "for-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("trycatch-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05), # TODO: legacy failing Test( "trycatch-0.6.0.sol", VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, disable_legacy=True, ), Test( "unchecked-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07, ), Test("unchecked-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test( "return-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test("binaryoperation-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "binaryoperation-0.4.7.sol", make_version(4, 7, 9) + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + make_version(8, 0, 12), ), Test("newexpression-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "newexpression-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "enum-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07, ), Test("enum-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test( "top_level_variable-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04 + VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07, ), Test("top_level_variable-0.8.0.sol", VERSIONS_08), Test("unaryexpression-0.4.0.sol", VERSIONS_04), Test( "unaryexpression-0.5.0.sol", VERSIONS_05 + VERSIONS_06 + VERSIONS_07 + VERSIONS_08, ), Test( "while-all.sol", ALL_VERSIONS, ), Test( "complex_imports/import_free/Caller.sol", ["0.8.2"], ), Test("custom_error_with_state_variable.sol", make_version(8, 4, 12)), Test("complex_imports/import_aliases/test.sol", VERSIONS_08), ] # create the output folder if needed try: os.mkdir("test_artifacts") except OSError: pass @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_item", ALL_TESTS, ids=lambda x: x.test_file) def test_parsing(test_item: Test): flavors = ["compact"] if not test_item.disable_legacy: flavors += ["legacy"] for version, flavor in test_item.versions_with_flavors: test_file = os.path.join( TEST_ROOT, "compile", f"{test_item.test_file}-{version}-{flavor}.zip" ) expected_file = os.path.join( TEST_ROOT, "expected", f"{test_item.test_file}-{version}-{flavor}.json" ) cc = load_from_zip(test_file)[0] sl = Slither( cc, solc_force_legacy_json=flavor == "legacy", disallow_partial=True, skip_analyze=True, ) actual = generate_output(sl) try: with open(expected_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: expected = json.load(f) except OSError: pytest.xfail("the file for this test was not generated") raise diff = DeepDiff(expected, actual, ignore_order=True, verbose_level=2, view="tree") if diff: for change in diff.get("values_changed", []): path_list = re.findall(r"\['(.*?)'\]", change.path()) path = "_".join(path_list) with open( f"test_artifacts/{test_item.test_file}_{path}", "w", encoding="utf8", ) as f: f.write(change.t1) with open( f"test_artifacts/{test_item.test_file}_{version}_{flavor}_{path}", "w", encoding="utf8", ) as f: f.write(change.t2) assert not diff, diff.pretty() sl = Slither(cc, solc_force_legacy_json=flavor == "legacy", disallow_partial=True) sl.register_printer(Echidna) sl.run_printers() def _generate_test(test_item: Test, skip_existing=False): flavors = ["compact"] if not test_item.disable_legacy: flavors += ["legacy"] for version, flavor in test_item.versions_with_flavors: test_file = os.path.join( TEST_ROOT, "compile", f"{test_item.test_file}-{version}-{flavor}.zip" ) expected_file = os.path.join( TEST_ROOT, "expected", f"{test_item.test_file}-{version}-{flavor}.json" ) if skip_existing: if os.path.isfile(expected_file): continue try: cc = load_from_zip(test_file)[0] sl = Slither( cc, solc_force_legacy_json=flavor == "legacy", disallow_partial=True, skip_analyze=True, ) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as e: print(e) print(test_item) print(f"{expected_file} failed") continue actual = generate_output(sl) print(f"Generate {expected_file}") # pylint: disable=no-member Path(expected_file).parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(expected_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(actual, f, indent=" ") def set_solc(version: str): env = dict(os.environ) env["SOLC_VERSION"] = version os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(env) def _generate_compile(test_item: Test, skip_existing=False): for version, flavor in test_item.versions_with_flavors: test_file = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, test_item.test_file) expected_file = os.path.join( TEST_ROOT, "compile", f"{test_item.test_file}-{version}-{flavor}.zip" ) if skip_existing: if os.path.isfile(expected_file): continue set_solc(version) print(f"Compiled to {expected_file}") cc = CryticCompile(test_file, solc_force_legacy_json=flavor == "legacy") # pylint: disable=no-member Path(expected_file).parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) save_to_zip([cc], expected_file) if __name__ == "__main__": required_solcs = set() for test in ALL_TESTS: required_solcs |= set(test.solc_versions) installed_solcs = set(get_installed_solc_versions()) missing_solcs = list(required_solcs - installed_solcs) if missing_solcs: install_solc_versions(missing_solcs) if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1] not in ["--generate", "--overwrite", "--compile"]: print( "To generate the missing json artifacts run\n\tpython tests/ --generate" ) print( "To re-generate all the json artifacts run\n\tpython tests/ --overwrite" ) print("To compile json artifacts run\n\tpython tests/ --compile") print("\tThis will overwrite the previous json files") elif sys.argv[1] == "--generate": for next_test in ALL_TESTS: _generate_test(next_test, skip_existing=True) elif sys.argv[1] == "--overwrite": for next_test in ALL_TESTS: _generate_test(next_test) elif sys.argv[1] == "--compile": for next_test in ALL_TESTS: _generate_compile(next_test, skip_existing=True)