import json import os import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from slither import Slither SLITHER_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) STORAGE_TEST_ROOT = os.path.join(SLITHER_ROOT, "tests", "storage-layout") # the storage layout has not yet changed between solidity versions so we will test with one version of the compiler def test_storage_layout():["solc-select", "use", "0.8.10"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) test_item = os.path.join(STORAGE_TEST_ROOT, "storage_layout-0.8.10.sol") sl = Slither(test_item, solc_force_legacy_json=False, disallow_partial=True) with Popen(["solc", test_item, "--storage-layout"], stdout=PIPE) as process: for line in process.stdout: # parse solc output if '{"storage":[{' in line.decode("utf-8"): # find the storage layout layout = iter(json.loads(line)["storage"]) while True: try: for contract in sl.contracts: curr_var = next(layout) var_name = curr_var["label"] sl_name = contract.variables_as_dict[var_name] slot, offset = contract.compilation_unit.storage_layout_of( contract, sl_name ) assert slot == int(curr_var["slot"]) assert offset == int(curr_var["offset"]) except StopIteration: break except KeyError as e: print(f"not found {e} ")