""" Testing utilities for the read-storage tool """ import shutil import subprocess from time import sleep from typing import Generator from dataclasses import dataclass from web3 import Web3 import pytest @dataclass class GanacheInstance: def __init__(self, provider: str, eth_address: str, eth_privkey: str): self.provider = provider self.eth_address = eth_address self.eth_privkey = eth_privkey @pytest.fixture(scope="module", name="ganache") def fixture_ganache() -> Generator[GanacheInstance, None, None]: """Fixture that runs ganache""" if not shutil.which("ganache"): # pylint: disable=broad-exception-raised raise Exception( "ganache was not found in PATH, you can install it with `npm install -g ganache`" ) # Address #1 when ganache is run with `--wallet.seed test`, it starts with 1000 ETH eth_address = "0xae17D2dD99e07CA3bF2571CCAcEAA9e2Aefc2Dc6" eth_privkey = ( "0xe48ba530a63326818e116be262fd39ae6dcddd89da4b1f578be8afd4e8894b8d" # gitleaks:allow ) eth = int(1e18 * 1e6) port = 8545 with subprocess.Popen( f"""ganache --port {port} --chain.networkId 1 --chain.chainId 1 --account {eth_privkey},{eth} """.replace( "\n", " " ), shell=True, ) as p: sleep(3) yield GanacheInstance(f"{port}", eth_address, eth_privkey) p.kill() p.wait() @pytest.fixture(scope="module", name="web3") def fixture_web3(ganache: GanacheInstance): w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(ganache.provider, request_kwargs={"timeout": 30})) return w3