//pragma solidity ^0.4.24; import "./external_function_import.sol"; contract ContractWithFunctionCalledSuper is ContractWithFunctionCalled { function callWithSuper() public { uint256 i = 0; } } contract ContractWithFunctionNotCalled { modifier mod (uint c) { require (c > 0); _; } // With parameter and return function funcNotCalled5(uint _i) public returns (uint) { return(_i + 10); } // With no visibility specifier which is ok until solc 0.5.0 function funcNotCalled4() { } function funcNotCalled3() public returns (uint a) { a = 100; } function funcNotCalled2() public { } function funcNotCalled() public { } function my_func() internal returns(bool) { return true; } /* Cannot be converted to external because parameter i is written to in function and so cannot be in calldata */ function test4(uint i) public returns(uint){ i += 1; return(i); } /* public with modifier */ function test5(uint number) public mod (number) returns(uint){ return(number); } /* implicit with modifier */ function test6(uint number) mod (number) returns(uint){ return(number); } } contract ContractWithFunctionNotCalled2 is ContractWithFunctionCalledSuper { function funcNotCalled() public { uint256 i = 0; address three = address(new ContractWithFunctionNotCalled()); three.call(abi.encode(bytes4(keccak256("helloTwo()")))); super.callWithSuper(); ContractWithFunctionCalled c = new ContractWithFunctionCalled(); c.funcCalled(); } } contract InternalCall { function() returns(uint) ptr; function set_test1() external{ ptr = test1; } function set_test2() external{ ptr = test2; } function test1() public returns(uint){ return 1; } function test2() public returns(uint){ return 2; } function test3() public returns(uint){ return 3; } function exec() external returns(uint){ return ptr(); } } contract publicKeywordTest { modifier publicMod() { _; } function test1(uint k) public{ } function test2() publicMod { } function test3() publicMod public { } function test4(uint k)public{ } }