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218 lines
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218 lines
9.2 KiB
import sys
import logging
import os
from slither.utils.colors import red, set_colorization_enabled
from slither.detectors.variables.unused_state_variables import UnusedStateVars
from slither.detectors.attributes.incorrect_solc import IncorrectSolc
from slither.detectors.attributes.constant_pragma import ConstantPragma
from slither.detectors.naming_convention.naming_convention import NamingConvention
from slither.detectors.functions.external_function import ExternalFunction
from slither.detectors.variables.possible_const_state_variables import ConstCandidateStateVars
from slither.detectors.attributes.const_functions import ConstantFunctions
from .formatters import unused_state, constable_states, pragma, solc_version, external_function, naming_convention
from .utils.patches import apply_patch, create_diff
logger = logging.getLogger('Slither.Format')
all_detectors = {
'unused-state': UnusedStateVars,
'solc-version': IncorrectSolc,
'pragma': ConstantPragma,
'naming-convention': NamingConvention,
'external-function': ExternalFunction,
'constable-states' : ConstCandidateStateVars,
'constant-function': ConstantFunctions
def slither_format(slither, **kwargs):
Keyword Args:
detectors_to_run (str): Comma-separated list of detectors, defaults to all
detectors_to_run = choose_detectors(kwargs.get('detectors_to_run', 'all'))
for detector in detectors_to_run:
detector_results = slither.run_detectors()
detector_results = [x for x in detector_results if x] # remove empty results
detector_results = [item for sublist in detector_results for item in sublist] # flatten
apply_detector_results(slither, detector_results)
skip_file_generation = kwargs.get('skip-patch-generation', False)
counter = 0
export = os.path.join('crytic-export', 'patches')
if not os.path.exists(export):
for result in detector_results:
if not 'patches' in result:
one_line_description = result["description"].split("\n")[0]
logger.info(f'Issue: {one_line_description}')
for file in result['patches']:
original_txt = slither.source_code[file]
patched_txt = original_txt
for patch in result['patches'][file]:
patched_txt = apply_patch(patched_txt, patch)
diff = create_diff(original_txt, patched_txt, file)
if not skip_file_generation:
path = os.path.join(export, f'fix_{counter}.patch')
logger.info(f'\t- {path}')
with open(path, 'w') as f:
counter = counter + 1
# endregion
# region Detectors
def choose_detectors(detectors_to_run):
# If detectors are specified, run only these ones
cls_detectors_to_run = []
if detectors_to_run == 'all':
for d in all_detectors:
for d in detectors_to_run.split(','):
if d in all_detectors:
raise Exception('Error: {} is not a detector'.format(d))
return cls_detectors_to_run
def apply_detector_results(slither, detector_results):
Apply slither detector results on contract files to generate patches
for result in detector_results:
if result['check'] == 'unused-state':
unused_state.format(slither, result)
elif result['check'] == 'solc-version':
solc_version.format(slither, result)
elif result['check'] == 'pragma':
pragma.format(slither, result)
elif result['check'] == 'naming-convention':
naming_convention.format(slither, result)
elif result['check'] == 'external-function':
external_function.format(slither, result)
elif result['check'] == 'constable-states':
constable_states.format(slither, result)
elif result['check'] == 'constant-function':
constable_states.format(slither, result)
logger.error(red(result['check'] + "detector not supported yet."))
# endregion
# region Patch triage (disable)
def sort_and_flag_overlapping_patches(patches):
for file in patches:
n = len(patches[file])
for i in range(n):
for j in range(0, n-i-1):
# Sort check
if int(patches[file][j]['start']) > int(patches[file][j+1]['start']):
temp = patches[file][j+1]
patches[file][j+1] = patches[file][j]
patches[file][j] = temp
# Overlap check
current = patches[file][j]
current_start = int(current['start'])
current_end = int(current['end'])
next = patches[file][j+1]
next_start = int(next['start'])
next_end = int(next['start'])
if ((current_start >= next_start and current_start <= next_end) or
(next_start >= current_start and next_start <= current_end)):
patches[file][j]['overlaps'] = "Yes"
patches[file][j+1]['overlaps'] = "Yes"
def is_overlap_patch(args, patch):
if 'overlaps' in patch:
if args.verbose_test:
logger.info("Overlapping patch won't be applied!")
logger.info("xDetector: " + patch['detector'])
logger.info("xOld string: " + patch['old_string'].replace("\n",""))
logger.info("xNew string: " + patch['new_string'].replace("\n",""))
logger.info("xLocation start: " + str(patch['start']))
logger.info("xLocation end: " + str(patch['end']))
return True
return False
def prune_overlapping_patches(args, patches):
for file in patches:
non_overlapping_patches = [patch for patch in patches[file] if not is_overlap_patch(args, patch)]
patches[file] = non_overlapping_patches
# endregion
# region Debug functions
def print_patches(number_of_slither_results, patches):
logger.info("Number of Slither results: " + str(number_of_slither_results))
number_of_patches = 0
for file in patches:
number_of_patches += len(patches[file])
logger.info("Number of patches: " + str(number_of_patches))
for file in patches:
logger.info("Patch file: " + file)
for patch in patches[file]:
logger.info("Detector: " + patch['detector'])
logger.info("Old string: " + patch['old_string'].replace("\n",""))
logger.info("New string: " + patch['new_string'].replace("\n",""))
logger.info("Location start: " + str(patch['start']))
logger.info("Location end: " + str(patch['end']))
def print_patches_json(number_of_slither_results, patches):
print("\"Number of Slither results\":" + '"' + str(number_of_slither_results) + '",')
print("\"Number of patchlets\":" + "\"" + str(len(patches)) + "\"", ',')
print("\"Patchlets\":" + '[')
for index, file in enumerate(patches):
if index > 0:
print("\"Patch file\":" + '"' + file + '",')
print("\"Number of patches\":" + "\"" + str(len(patches[file])) + "\"", ',')
print("\"Patches\":" + '[')
for index, patch in enumerate(patches[file]):
if index > 0:
print("\"Detector\":" + '"' + patch['detector'] + '",')
print("\"Old string\":" + '"' + patch['old_string'].replace("\n","") + '",')
print("\"New string\":" + '"' + patch['new_string'].replace("\n","") + '",')
print("\"Location start\":" + '"' + str(patch['start']) + '",')
print("\"Location end\":" + '"' + str(patch['end']) + '"')
if 'overlaps' in patch:
print("\"Overlaps\":" + "Yes")