Static Analyzer for Solidity
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class ResolveFunctionException(Exception): pass
def resolve_function(slither, contract_name, function_name):
Resolves a function instance, given a contract name and function.
:param contract_name: The name of the contract the function is declared in.
:param function_name: The name of the function to resolve.
:return: Returns the resolved function, raises an exception otherwise.
# Obtain the target contract
contract = slither.get_contract_from_name(contract_name)
# Verify the contract was resolved successfully
if contract is None:
raise ResolveFunctionException(f"Could not resolve target contract: {contract_name}")
# Obtain the target function
target_function = next((function for function in contract.functions if == function_name), None)
# Verify we have resolved the function specified.
if target_function is None:
raise ResolveFunctionException(f"Could not resolve target function: {contract_name}.{function_name}")
# Add the resolved function to the new list.
return target_function
def resolve_functions(slither, functions):
Resolves the provided function descriptors.
:param functions: A list of tuples (contract_name, function_name) or str (of form "ContractName.FunctionName")
to resolve into function objects.
:return: Returns a list of resolved functions.
# Create the resolved list.
resolved = []
# Verify that the provided argument is a list.
if not isinstance(functions, list):
raise ResolveFunctionException("Provided functions to resolve must be a list type.")
# Loop for each item in the list.
for item in functions:
if isinstance(item, str):
# If the item is a single string, we assume it is of form 'ContractName.FunctionName'.
parts = item.split('.')
if len(parts) < 2:
raise ResolveFunctionException("Provided string descriptor must be of form 'ContractName.FunctionName'")
resolved.append(resolve_function(slither, parts[0], parts[1]))
elif isinstance(item, tuple):
# If the item is a tuple, it should be a 2-tuple providing contract and function names.
if len(item) != 2:
raise ResolveFunctionException("Provided tuple descriptor must provide a contract and function name.")
resolved.append(resolve_function(slither, item[0], item[1]))
raise ResolveFunctionException(f"Unexpected function descriptor type to resolve in list: {type(item)}")
# Return the resolved list.
return resolved
def all_function_definitions(function):
Obtains a list of representing this function and any base definitions
:param function: The function to obtain all definitions at and beneath.
:return: Returns a list composed of the provided function definition and any base definitions.
return [function] + [f for c in function.contract.inheritance
for f in c.functions_and_modifiers_not_inherited
if f.full_name == function.full_name]
def __find_target_paths(slither, target_function, current_path=[]):
# Create our results list
results = set()
# Add our current function to the path.
current_path = [target_function] + current_path
# Obtain this target function and any base definitions.
all_target_functions = set(all_function_definitions(target_function))
# Look through all functions
for contract in slither.contracts:
for function in contract.functions_and_modifiers_not_inherited:
# If the function is already in our path, skip it.
if function in current_path:
# Find all function calls in this function (except for low level)
called_functions = [f for (_, f) in function.high_level_calls + function.library_calls]
called_functions += function.internal_calls
called_functions = set(called_functions)
# If any of our target functions are reachable from this function, it's a result.
if all_target_functions.intersection(called_functions):
path_results = __find_target_paths(slither, function, current_path.copy())
if path_results:
results = results.union(path_results)
# If this path is external accessible from this point, we add the current path to the list.
if target_function.visibility in ['public', 'external'] and len(current_path) > 1:
return results
def find_target_paths(slither, target_functions):
Obtains all functions which can lead to any of the target functions being called.
:param target_functions: The functions we are interested in reaching.
:return: Returns a list of all functions which can reach any of the target_functions.
# Create our results list
results = set()
# Loop for each target function
for target_function in target_functions:
results = results.union(__find_target_paths(slither, target_function))
return results