Static Analyzer for Solidity
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40 lines
923 B

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract C {
uint balance;
* @dev Variables are not Ok - using too many digits in place of the Ether denomination.
function f() external {
uint x1 = 0x000001;
uint x2 = 0x0000000000001;
uint x3 = 1000000000000000000;
uint x4 = 100000;
balance += x1 + x2 + x3 + x4;
* @dev Variables are Ok - not using too many digits.
function h() external {
uint x1 = 1000;
uint x2 = 100000;
balance += x1 + x2 + 100;
* @dev Variables are Ok - Using Ether denominations.
function i() external {
uint x1 = 1 wei + 10 wei + 100 wei + 1000 wei + 10000 wei;
uint x2 = 1 szabo + 10 szabo + 100 szabo + 1000 szabo + 10000 szabo;
balance += x1 + x2;
function good() external{
uint x = 1 ether;