Static Analyzer for Solidity
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cff-version: 1.2.0
title: Slither Analyzer
message: >-
If you use this software, please cite it using the
metadata from this file.
type: software
- given-names: Josselin
family-names: Feist
- given-names: Gustavo
family-names: Grieco
- given-names: Alex
family-names: Groce
- type: doi
value: 10.48550/arXiv.1908.09878
description: arXiv.1908.09878
- type: url
value: ''
description: arxiv
- type: doi
value: 10.1109/wetseb.2019.00008
repository-code: ''
url: ''
repository-artifact: ''
abstract: >-
Slither is a static analysis framework designed to provide
rich information about Ethereum smart contracts.
It works by converting Solidity smart contracts into an
intermediate representation called SlithIR.
SlithIR uses Static Single Assignment (SSA) form and a
reduced instruction set to ease implementation of analyses
while preserving semantic information that would be lost
in transforming Solidity to bytecode.
Slither allows for the application of commonly used
program analysis techniques like dataflow and taint
Our framework has four main use cases:
(1) automated detection of vulnerabilities,
(2) automated detection of code optimization
(3) improvement of the user's understanding of the
contracts, and
(4) assistance with code review.
- Ethereum
- Static Analysis
- Smart contracts
- bug detection
- Software Engineering
license: AGPL-3.0-only
commit: 3d4f934d3228f072b7df2c5e7252c64df4601bc8
version: 0.9.5
date-released: '2023-06-28'