| testfiles | `--testfiles "test/registry/*.ts"` | Test file(s) to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes.)|
| solcoverjs | `--solcoverjs ./../.solcover.js` | Relative path from working directory to config. Useful for monorepo packages that share settings. (Path must be "./" prefixed) |
| network | `--network development` | Run with a ganache client over http using network settings defined in `hardhat.config.js`. (Hardhat is the default network) |
| temp[<sup>*</sup>][14] | `--temp artifacts` | :warning: **Caution** :warning: Path to a *disposable* folder to store compilation artifacts in. Useful when your test setup scripts include hard-coded paths to a build directory. [More...][14] |
| skipFiles | *Array* | `['Migrations.sol']` | Array of contracts or folders (with paths expressed relative to the `contracts` directory) that should be skipped when doing instrumentation. |
| istanbulFolder | *String* | `./coverage` | Folder location for Istanbul coverage reports. |
| mocha | *Object* | `{ }` | [Mocha options][3] to merge into existing mocha config. `grep` and `invert` are useful for skipping certain tests under coverage using tags in the test descriptions.|
| onServerReady[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* server is launched, *before* the tests execute. Useful if you need to use the Oraclize bridge or have setup scripts which rely on the server's availability. [More...][23] |
| onCompileComplete[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* compilation completes, *before* tests are run. Useful if you have secondary compilation steps or need to modify built artifacts. [More...][23]|
| onTestsComplete[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* the tests complete, *before* Istanbul reports are generated. [More...][23]|
| onIstanbulComplete[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* the Istanbul reports are generated, *before* the ganache server is shut down. Useful if you need to clean resources up. [More...][23]|
[<sup>*</sup> Advanced use][14]
## Usage
+ Coverage runs tests a little more slowly.
+ Coverage uses the Hardhat network by default.
+ Coverage [distorts gas consumption][13]. Tests that check exact gas consumption should be [skipped][24].
+ :warning: Contracts are compiled **without optimization**. Please report unexpected compilation faults to [issue 417][25]
Begining with `v0.7.12`, this plugin runs directly on the Hardhat network by default (for speed).
If you want to use a ganache based http network, you can specify it by name using the `--network` cli option. The plugin will then launch its own coverage enabled ganache instance which can be configured in `.solcover.js` via the `providerOptions` key.
## Documentation
More documentation, including FAQ and information about solidity-coverage's API [is available here][28].