const SolExplore = require('sol-explore');
const SolidityParser = require('solidity-parser-antlr');
const crRegex = /[\r\n ]+$/g;
const OPEN = '{';
const CLOSE = '}';
* Splices enclosing brackets into `contract` around `expression`;
* @param {String} contract solidity source
* @param {Object} node AST node to bracket
* @return {String} contract
function insertBrace(contract, item, offset) {
return contract.slice(0,item.pos + offset) + item.type + contract.slice(item.pos + offset)
/** Remove 'pure' and 'view' from the function declaration.
* @param {String} contract solidity source
* @param {Object} function AST node
* @return {String} contract with the modifiers removed from the given function.
function removePureView(contract, node){
let fDefStart = node.range[0];
if (node.body){
fDefEnd = node.body.range[0];
} else if (node.returnParameters) {
fDefEnd = node.returnParameters.range[0];
} else {
fDefEnd = node.range[1];
let fDef = contract.slice(fDefStart, fDefEnd + 1);
fDef = fDef.replace(/\bview\b/i, ' ');
fDef = fDef.replace(/\bpure\b/i, ' ');
return contract.slice(0, fDefStart) + fDef + contract.slice(fDefEnd + 1);
* Locates unbracketed singleton statements attached to if, else, for and while statements
* and brackets them. Instrumenter needs to inject events at these locations and having
* them pre-bracketed simplifies the process. Each time a modification is made the contract
* is passed back to the parser and re-walked because all the starts and ends get shifted.
* Also removes pure and view modifiers.
* @param {String} contract solidity code
* @return {String} contract
module.exports.run = function r(contract) {
try {
const ast = SolidityParser.parse(contract, { range: true });
insertions = [];
viewPureToRemove = [];
SolidityParser.visit(ast, {
IfStatement: function(node) {
if (node.trueBody.type !== 'Block') {
insertions.push({type: OPEN, pos: node.trueBody.range[0]});
insertions.push({type: CLOSE, pos: node.trueBody.range[1] + 1});
} else if ( node.falseBody && node.falseBody.type !== 'Block' ) {
insertions.push({type: OPEN, pos: node.falseBody.range[0]});
insertions.push({type: CLOSE, pos: node.falseBody.range[1] + 1});
ForStatement: function(node){
if (node.body.type !== 'Block'){
insertions.push({type: OPEN, pos: node.body.range[0]});
insertions.push({type: CLOSE, pos: node.body.range[1] + 1});
WhileStatement: function(node){
if (node.body.type !== 'Block'){
insertions.push({type: OPEN, pos: node.body.range[0]});
insertions.push({type: CLOSE, pos: node.body.range[1] + 1});
FunctionDefinition: function(node){
if (node.stateMutability === 'view' || node.stateMutability === 'pure'){
// Firstly, remove pures and views. Note that we replace 'pure' and 'view' with spaces, so
// character counts remain the same, so we can do this in any order
viewPureToRemove.forEach(node => contract = removePureView(contract, node));
// Sort the insertion points.
insertions.sort((a,b) => a.pos - b.pos);
insertions.forEach((item, idx) => contract = insertBrace(contract, item, idx));
} catch (err) {
contract = err;
keepRunning = false;
return contract;