/* eslint-env node, mocha */
const solc = require('solc');
const getInstrumentedVersion = require('./../instrumentSolidity.js');
const util = require('./util/util.js');
const path = require('path');
* NB: passing '1' to solc as an option activates the optimiser
* NB: solc will throw if there is a compilation error, causing the test to fail
* and passing the error to mocha.
describe('generic expressions', () => {
const filePath = path.resolve('./test.sol');
it('should compile after instrumenting a single binary expression', () => {
const contract = util.getCode('expressions/single-binary-expression.sol');
const info = getInstrumentedVersion(contract, filePath);
const output = solc.compile(info.contract, 1);
it('should compile after instrumenting a new expression', () => {
const contract = util.getCode('expressions/new-expression.sol');
const info = getInstrumentedVersion(contract, filePath);
const output = solc.compile(info.contract, 1);