Code coverage for Solidity smart-contracts
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62 lines
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const Web3 = require('web3');
const shell = require('shelljs');
const SolidityCoder = require('web3/lib/solidity/coder.js');
const getInstrumentedVersion = require('./instrumentSolidity.js');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const CoverageMap = require('./coverageMap.js');
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const childprocess = require('child_process');
const coverage = new CoverageMap();
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));
// Patch our local testrpc if necessary
if (!shell.test('-e', './node_modules/ethereumjs-vm/lib/opFns.js.orig')) {
console.log('patch local testrpc...');
shell.exec('patch -b ./node_modules/ethereumjs-vm/lib/opFns.js ./hookIntoEvents.patch');
// Run the modified testrpc with large block limit
const testrpcProcess = childprocess.exec('./node_modules/ethereumjs-testrpc/bin/testrpc --gasLimit 0xfffffffffffff --gasPrice 0x1');
if (shell.test('-d', '../originalContracts')) {
console.log('There is already an "originalContracts" directory in your truffle directory.\n' +
'This is probably due to a previous solcover failure.\n' +
'Please make sure the ./contracts/ directory contains your contracts (perhaps by copying them from originalContracts), ' +
'and then delete the originalContracts directory.');
}'./../contracts/', './../originalContracts/');
// For each contract in originalContracts, get the instrumented version'./../originalContracts/**/*.sol').forEach(file => {
if (file !== 'originalContracts/Migrations.sol') {
const canonicalContractPath = path.resolve(file);
console.log('instrumenting ', canonicalContractPath);
const contract = fs.readFileSync(canonicalContractPath).toString();
const instrumentedContractInfo = getInstrumentedVersion(contract, canonicalContractPath);
mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(canonicalContractPath.replace('originalContracts', 'contracts')));
fs.writeFileSync(canonicalContractPath.replace('originalContracts', 'contracts'), instrumentedContractInfo.contract);
coverage.addContract(instrumentedContractInfo, canonicalContractPath);
8 years ago
shell.cp('./../originalContracts/Migrations.sol', './../contracts/Migrations.sol');
shell.rm('./allFiredEvents'); // Delete previous results
shell.exec('truffle test --network test');
8 years ago
const events = fs.readFileSync('./allFiredEvents').toString().split('\n');
// The pop here isn't a bug - there is an empty line at the end of this file, so we
// don't want to include it as an event.
coverage.generate(events, './../originalContracts/');
8 years ago
fs.writeFileSync('./coverage.json', JSON.stringify(coverage.coverage));
8 years ago
shell.exec('./node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli.js report lcov');
shell.rm('-rf', './../contracts');'./../originalContracts', './../contracts');