// var SolidityParser = require("solidity-parser");
var solparse = require("solparse");
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require("path");
module.exports = function(pathToFile, instrumentingActive){
// var result = SolidityParser.parseFile("./" + pathToFile);
var contract = fs.readFileSync("./" + pathToFile).toString();
var result = solparse.parse(contract);
var instrumented = "";
const __INDENTATION__ = " ";
var parse = {};
var runnableLines=[];
var fnMap = {};
var fnId = 0;
var branchMap = {};
var branchId = 0;
var linecount = 1;
var fileName = path.basename(pathToFile);
var injectionPoints = {};
function instrumentLine(startchar, endchar){
//what's the position of the most recent newline?
lastNewLine = contract.slice(0, startchar).lastIndexOf('\n');
nextNewLine = startchar + contract.slice(endchar).indexOf('\n');
// Is everything before us and after us on this line whitespace?
if (contract.slice(lastNewLine, startchar).trim().length===0 && contract.slice(endchar,nextNewLine).trim().length===0){
if (injectionPoints[lastNewLine]){
injectionPoints[lastNewLine] = [{type:"callEvent"}];
//Find every newline in this range
// var functionText = contract.slice(startchar,endchar);
// var indices = [];
// for(var i=0; i<functionText.length;i++) {
// if (functionText[i] === "\n") indices.push(i);
// }
// for (x in indices){
// charcount = indices[x]+1;
// }
function instrumentFunctionDeclaration(expression){
linecount = (contract.slice(0,expression.start).match(/\n/g)||[]).length + 1;
//We need to work out the lines and columns the function declaration starts and ends
var startline = linecount;
var startcol = expression.start - contract.slice(0,expression.start).lastIndexOf('\n') -1;
var endlineDelta = contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+1;
var functionDefinition = contract.slice(expression.start, expression.start + endlineDelta);
var endline = startline + (functionDefinition.match(/\n/g)||[]).length;
var endcol = functionDefinition.length - functionDefinition.lastIndexOf('\n')
fnMap[fnId] = {name: expression.name, line: linecount, loc:{start:{line: startline, column:startcol},end:{line:endline, column:endcol}}}
if (injectionPoints[expression.start + endlineDelta +1]){
injectionPoints[expression.start + endlineDelta +1].push({type: "callFunctionEvent", fnId: fnId});
injectionPoints[expression.start + endlineDelta +1] = [{type: "callFunctionEvent", fnId: fnId}];
function instrumentIfStatement(expression){
branchId +=1;
startline = (contract.slice(0,expression.start).match(/\n/g)||[]).length + 1;
var startcol = expression.start - contract.slice(0,expression.start).lastIndexOf('\n') -1;
//NB locations for if branches in istanbul are zero length and associated with the start of the if.
branchMap[branchId] = {line:linecount, type:'if', locations:[{start:{line:startline, column:startcol},end:{line:startline,column:startcol}},{start:{line:startline, column:startcol},end:{line:startline,column:startcol}}]}
if (injectionPoints[expression.consequent.start+1]){
injectionPoints[expression.consequent.start+1].push({type: "callBranchEvent", branchId: branchId, locationIdx: 0})
injectionPoints[expression.consequent.start+1] = [{type: "callBranchEvent", branchId: branchId, locationIdx: 0}];
if (expression.alternate && expression.alternate.type==='IfStatement'){
//It should get instrumented when we parse it
} else if (expression.alternate){
if (injectionPoints[expression.alternate.start+1]){
injectionPoints[expression.alternate.start+1].push({type: "callBranchEvent", branchId: branchId, locationIdx: 1});
injectionPoints[expression.alternate.start+1] = [{type: "callBranchEvent", branchId: branchId, locationIdx: 1}];
} else {
if (injectionPoints[expression.consequent.end]){
injectionPoints[expression.consequent.end].push({type: "callEmptyBranchEvent", branchId: branchId, locationIdx: 1});
injectionPoints[expression.consequent.end] = [{type: "callEmptyBranchEvent", branchId: branchId, locationIdx: 1}];
parse["AssignmentExpression"] = function (expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
var retval = "";
retval += parse[expression.left.type](expression.left, instrument);
retval += expression.operator;
retval += parse[expression.right.type](expression.right, instrument) + ';';
return retval;
parse["ConditionalExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
return parse[expression.test.left.type](expression.test.left, instrument) + expression.test.operator + parse[expression.test.right.type](expression.test.right,instrument) + '?' + parse[expression.consequent.type](expression.consequent, instrument) + ":" + parse[expression.alternate.type](expression.alternate,instrument);
parse["Identifier"] = function(expression, instrument){
return expression.name;
parse["InformalParameter"] = function(expression, instrument){
return expression.literal.literal;
parse["Literal"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (typeof expression.value==='string' && expression.value.slice(0,2)!=="0x"){
return '"' + expression.value + '"';
return expression.value;
parse["ModifierName"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retvalue = expression.name
if (expression.params && expression.params.length>0){
retvalue += '(';
for (x in expression.params){
var param = expression.params[x];
retvalue += param.literal.literal + ', ';
retvalue = retvalue.slice(0,-2);
retvalue += ')';
return retvalue;
parse["Modifiers"] = function(modifiers, instrument){
retvalue = "";
var retModifier = null;
var constModifier = null;
for (x in modifiers){
if (modifiers[x].name==='returns'){
retModifier = x;
}else if (modifiers[x].name==='constant'){
constModifier = x;
retvalue+=parse[modifiers[x].type](modifiers[x], instrument);
retvalue += ' ';
if (constModifier) {retvalue += 'constant '};
if (retModifier){
retvalue += ' returns ';
retvalue += ' (';
for (p in modifiers[retModifier].params){
param = modifiers[retModifier].params[p];
retvalue+= parse[param.type](param, instrument);
retvalue += ', ';
retvalue = retvalue.slice(0,-2);
retvalue +=')';
return retvalue;
parse["ThisExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
return 'this'
parse["ReturnStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retval = "";
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
return retval + 'return ' + parse[expression.argument.type](expression.argument, instrument) + ';';
parse["NewExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
var retval = 'new ' + parse[expression.callee.type](expression.callee, instrument);
retval += '(';
for (x in expression.arguments){
retval += parse[expression.arguments[x].type](expression.arguments[x], instrument) + ", "
if (expression.arguments && expression.arguments.length){
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
return retval
parse["MemberExpression"] = function (expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
if (!expression.computed){
return parse[expression.object.type](expression.object,instrument) + "." + parse[expression.property.type](expression.property, instrument);
return parse[expression.object.type](expression.object, instrument) + "[" + parse[expression.property.type](expression.property, instrument) + "]";
parse["CallExpression"] = function (expression,instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
var retval = parse[expression.callee.type](expression.callee, instrument) + "(";
for (x in expression.arguments){
retval += parse[expression.arguments[x].type](expression.arguments[x], instrument) + ", "
if (expression.arguments && expression.arguments.length){
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
return retval
parse["UnaryExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
if (expression.operator==='delete'){
return expression.operator + ' ' + parse[expression.argument.type](expression.argument, instrument);
return expression.operator + parse[expression.argument.type](expression.argument, instrument);
parse["ThrowStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
var retval = "";
return retval + 'throw'
parse["BinaryExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
return '(' + parse[expression.left.type](expression.left, instrument) + expression.operator + parse[expression.right.type](expression.right, instrument) + ')';
parse["IfStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retval = "";
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
if (instrument) {instrumentIfStatement(expression)}
retval += "if (";
retval += parse[expression.test.type](expression.test, instrument) + "){"
retval += newLine('{');
retval += parse[expression.consequent.type](expression.consequent, instrument)
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
retval += "}";
if (expression.alternate){
retval += 'else ';
if (expression.alternate.type!=="IfStatement"){
retval += '{';
retval += newLine('{');
retval += parse[expression.alternate.type](expression.alternate, instrument)
if (expression.alternate.type!=="IfStatement"){
retval += '}';
retval += newLine('}');
return retval;
parse["SequenceExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
retval = "(";
for (x in expression.expressions){
retval += parse[expression.expressions[x].type](expression.expressions[x], instrument) + ', ';
if (expression.expressions && expression.expressions.length>0){
//remove trailing comma and space if needed
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
retval += ')';
return retval;
parse["ImportStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
return 'import "' + expression.from + '"';
parse["DeclarativeExpression"] = function(expression, instrument){
return expression.literal.literal + ' ' + (expression.is_public ? "public " : "") + (expression.is_constant ? "constant " : "") + expression.name;
parse["ExpressionStatement"] = function(content, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(content.start,content.end);}
var retval = "";
if (content.expression.literal && content.expression.literal.literal && content.expression.literal.literal.type==="MappingExpression"){
return retval + 'mapping (' + content.expression.literal.literal.from.literal + ' => ' + content.expression.literal.literal.to.literal + ') '+ content.expression.name;
}else {
return retval + parse[content.expression.type](content.expression, instrument);
parse["EnumDeclaration"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
var retvalue = 'enum ' + expression.name + ' {';
for (x in expression.members){
retvalue += expression.members[x] + ', ';
retvalue = retvalue.slice(0,-2);
retvalue += '}';
return retvalue;
parse["EventDeclaration"]=function(expression, instrument){
var retval = 'event ' + expression.name + '(';
for (x in expression.params){
var param = expression.params[x];
retval += param.literal.literal + ' ' + (param.isIndexed ? 'true' : '') + param.id + ', ';
if (expression.params && expression.params.length>0){
//remove trailing comma and space if needed
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
retval += ')';
return retval
parse["VariableDeclarationTuple"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
var retval = "";
retval += "var (";
for (x in expression.declarations){
retval += expression.declarations[x].id.name + ', ';
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
retval += ") = ";
retval+=parse[expression.init.type](expression.init, instrument)
return retval;
parse["BlockStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retval = "";
for (var x=0; x < expression.body.length; x++){
retval += parse[expression.body[x].type](expression.body[x], instrument);
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
return retval;
parse["VariableDeclaration"] = function(expression, instrument){
if (instrument){ instrumentLine(expression.start,expression.end); }
if (expression.declarations.length>1){
console.log('more than one declaration')
retval = "";
return retval + "var " + parse[expression.declarations[0].id.type](expression.declarations[0].id, instrument) + " = " + parse[expression.declarations[0].init.type](expression.declarations[0].init, instrument);
parse["Type"] = function(expression, instrument){
return expression.literal;
parse["UsingStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
return "using " + expression.library + " for " + parse[expression.for.type](expression.for, instrument) + ";";
parse["FunctionDeclaration"] = function(expression, instrument){
retval = 'function ' + (expression.name ? expression.name : "") + '('
for (x in expression.params){
var param = expression.params[x];
retval += param.literal.literal + ' ' + (param.isIndexed ? 'true' : '') + param.id + ', ';
if (expression.params && expression.params.length>0){
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
retval += ')';
retval += parse["Modifiers"](expression.modifiers, instrument);
if (expression.body){
retval+='{' + newLine('{');
retval += parse[expression.body.type](expression.body, instrumentingActive);
retval+='}' + newLine('}');
return retval;
parse["ContractStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retval = "";
retval += 'contract ' + expression.name
if (expression.is.length>0){
retval += ' is '
for (x in expression.is){
retval += expression.is[x].name + ', '
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
retval += ' {' + newLine('{');
//Inject our coverage event if we're covering
if (instrumentingActive){
//This is harder because of where .start and .end represent, and how documented comments are validated
//by solc upon compilation. From the start of this contract statement, find the first '{', and inject
var injectionPoint = expression.start + contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+2;
if (injectionPoints[injectionPoint]){
injectionPoints[expression.start + contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+2].push({type:"eventDefinition"});
injectionPoints[expression.start + contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+2] = [{type:"eventDefinition"}];
retval += "event Coverage(string fileName, uint256 lineNumber);\n"; //We're injecting this, so don't count the newline
for (x in expression.body){
retval+=parse[expression.body[x].type](expression.body[x], instrument);
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
retval += '}' + newLine('}');
return retval;
parse["LibraryStatement"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retval = "";
retval += 'library ' + expression.name + ' {' + newLine('{');
//Inject our coverage event;
//This is harder because of where .start and .end represent, and how documented comments are validated
//by solc upon compilation. From the start of this contract statement, find the first '{', and inject
var injectionPoint = expression.start + contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+2;
if (injectionPoints[injectionPoint]){
injectionPoints[expression.start + contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+2].push({type:"eventDefinition"});
injectionPoints[expression.start + contract.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{')+2] = [{type:"eventDefinition"}];
retval += "event Coverage(string fileName, uint256 lineNumber);\n"; //We're injecting this, so don't count the newline
for (x in expression.body){
retval+=parse[expression.body[x].type](expression.body[x], instrument);
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
retval += '}' + newLine('}');
return retval;
parse["ModifierDeclaration"] = function(expression, instrument){
var retval = "";
retval += 'modifier ' + expression.name + '(';
for (x in expression.params){
var param = expression.params[x];
retval += param.literal.literal + ' ' + (param.isIndexed ? 'true' : '') + param.id + ', ';
if (expression.params && expression.params.length>0){
retval = retval.slice(0,-2);
retval += '){';
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
retval += parse[expression.body.type](expression.body, instrumentingActive);
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
retval +='}';
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
return retval;
parse["Program"] = function(expression, instrument){
retval = "";
for (x in expression.body){
retval+=parse[expression.body[x].type](expression.body[x], instrument);
retval += newLine(retval.slice(-1));
return retval;
function newLine(lastchar){
if (['}','{',';','_','\n'].indexOf(lastchar)>-1){
return '\n';
return ';\n';
var instrumented = parse[result.type](result);
//We have to iterate through these injection points in descending order to not mess up
//the injection process.
var sortedPoints = Object.keys(injectionPoints).sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
for (x = sortedPoints.length-1; x>=0; x--){
injectionPoint = sortedPoints[x];
//Line instrumentation has to happen first
injectionPoints[injectionPoint].sort(function(a,b){if (a.type==='callEvent') {return -1}else{return 1}});
for (y in injectionPoints[injectionPoint]){
injection = injectionPoints[injectionPoint][y];
if (injection.type==='callEvent'){
linecount = (contract.slice(0, injectionPoint).match(/\n/g)||[]).length+2;
contract = contract.slice(0, injectionPoint) + "Coverage('" + fileName + "'," + linecount + ");\n" + contract.slice(injectionPoint);
}else if (injection.type==='callFunctionEvent'){
contract = contract.slice(0, injectionPoint) + "FunctionCoverage('" + fileName + "'," + injection.fnId + ");\n" + contract.slice(injectionPoint);
}else if (injection.type==='callBranchEvent'){
contract = contract.slice(0, injectionPoint) + "BranchCoverage('" + fileName + "'," + injection.branchId + "," + injection.locationIdx + ");\n" + contract.slice(injectionPoint);
}else if (injection.type==='callEmptyBranchEvent'){
contract = contract.slice(0, injectionPoint) + "else { BranchCoverage('" + fileName + "'," + injection.branchId + "," + injection.locationIdx + ");}\n" + contract.slice(injectionPoint);
contract = contract.slice(0, injectionPoint) + "event Coverage(string fileName, uint256 lineNumber);\nevent FunctionCoverage(string fileName, uint256 fnId);\n\nevent BranchCoverage(string fileName, uint256 branchId, uint256 locationIdx);\n" + contract.slice(injectionPoint);
return {contract: contract, runnableLines: runnableLines, fnMap: fnMap, branchMap: branchMap};