const c = require('chalk');
const emoji = require('node-emoji');
* Coverage tool output handler. This is where any logging solidity-coverage does on its
* own behalf is managed. NB, most output is generated by the host dev stack (e.g. truffle,
* buidler or by the coverage generator (e.g. Istanbul).
* )
class UI {
this.log = log || console.log;
* Writes a formatted message to console
* @param {String} kind message selector
* @param {String[]} args info to inject into template
report(kind, args=[]){
const ct = c.bold.green('>');
const ds = c.bold.yellow('>');
const kinds = {
'vm-fail': `:warning: ${c.red('There was a problem attaching to the ganache-core VM.')} `+
`${c.red('Check the provider option syntax in solidity-coverage docs.')}\n`+
`:warning: ${c.red('Using ganache-core-sc (eq. core v2.7.0) instead.')}\n`,
'truffle-local': `\n${ct} ${c.grey('Using Truffle library from local node_modules.')}\n`,
'truffle-global': `\n${ct} ${c.grey('Using Truffle library from global node_modules.')}\n`,
'truffle-warn': `:warning: ${c.red('Unable to require Truffle library locally or globally. ')} `+
`${c.red('Expected to find installed Truffle >= v5.0.31 ...')}\n` +
`:warning: ${c.red('Using fallback Truffle library instead (v5.0.31)')}\n`,
'truffle-help': `Usage: truffle run coverage [options]\n\n` +
`Options:\n` +
` --file: path (or glob) to subset of JS test files. (Quote your globs)\n` +
` --solcoverjs: relative path to .solcover.js (ex: ./../.solcover.js)\n` +
` --version: version info\n`,
'truffle-version': `${ct} ${c.bold('truffle')}: v${args[0]}`,
'ganache-version': `${ct} ${c.bold('ganache-core')}: ${args[0]}`,
'coverage-version': `${ct} ${c.bold('solidity-coverage')}: v${args[0]}`,
'instr-start': `\n${c.bold('Instrumenting for coverage...')}` +
'instr-skip': `\n${c.bold('Coverage skipped for:')}` +
'instr-item': `${ct} ${args[0]}`,
'instr-skipped': `${ds} ${c.grey(args[0])}`,
* Returns a formatted message. Useful for error message.
* @param {String} kind message selector
* @param {String[]} args info to inject into template
* @return {String} message
generate(kind, args=[]){
const kinds = {
'truffle-fail': `${c.red('Unable to load fail-safe Truffle library. Caught: ')} ${args[0]}\n` +
`:x: ${c.red('Try installing Truffle >= v5.0.31 locally or globally.\n')}`,
return emoji.emojify(kinds[kind])
module.exports = UI;