Misc docs changes and rename plugin.ui.js

cgewecke 3 years ago
parent 5174ecdfce
commit 922365685b
  1. 25
  2. 2
  3. 54
  4. 138
  5. 66

@ -16,27 +16,11 @@
## Install
$ npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
$ yarn add solidity-coverage --dev
+ [0.7.0 release notes][31]
+ [A guide][29] to upgrading from 0.6.x to 0.7.x
+ [0.6.3 docs][30]
### Truffle V5
**Add** this package to your plugins array in `truffle-config.js` ([Truffle docs][27])
module.exports = {
networks: {...},
plugins: ["solidity-coverage"]
truffle run coverage [command-options]
+ [0.8.0 release notes][31]
### Hardhat
@ -70,10 +54,9 @@ A working example can be found at [openzeppelin-contracts, here.][35]
## Command Options
| Option <img width=200/> | Example <img width=750/>| Description <img width=1000/> |
| file | `--file="test/registry/*.js"` | (Truffle) Filename or glob describing a subset of tests to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes and use [globby matching patterns][38])|
| testfiles | `--testfiles "test/registry/*.ts"` | (Buidler) Test file(s) to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes and use [globby matching patterns][38])|
| testfiles | `--testfiles "test/registry/*.ts"` | Test file(s) to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes and use [globby matching patterns][38])|
| solcoverjs | `--solcoverjs ./../.solcover.js` | Relative path from working directory to config. Useful for monorepo packages that share settings. (Path must be "./" prefixed) |
| network | `--network development` | Use network settings defined in the Truffle or Buidler config |
| network | `--network development` | Use network settings defined in the Hardhat config |
| temp[<sup>*</sup>][14] | `--temp build` | :warning: **Caution** :warning: Path to a *disposable* folder to store compilation artifacts in. Useful when your test setup scripts include hard-coded paths to a build directory. [More...][14] |
[<sup>*</sup> Advanced use][14]

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ stage the compilation artifacts of instrumented contracts in before the tests ar
$ truffle run coverage --temp build
$ hardhat coverage --temp build
By default this folder is called `.coverage_artifacts`. If you already have

@ -10,52 +10,15 @@
## Continuous Integration
An example using Truffle MetaCoin, TravisCI, and Coveralls:
+ [Github Actions and CodeCov][8] (OpenZeppelin)
+ [CircleCI and Coveralls with coverage split into parallelized jobs][7] (SetProtocol)
**Step 1: Create a metacoin project & install coverage tools**
$ mkdir metacoin && cd metacoin
$ truffle unbox metacoin
# Install coverage and development dependencies
$ npm init
$ npm install --save-dev truffle
$ npm install --save-dev coveralls
$ npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
**Step 2: Add solidity-coverage to the plugins array in truffle-config.js:**
module.exports = {
networks: {...},
plugins: ["solidity-coverage"]
**Step 3: Create a .travis.yml:**
dist: trusty
language: node_js
- '10'
- npm install
- npx truffle run coverage
- cat coverage/lcov.info | coveralls
**NB:** It's best practice to run coverage as a separate CI job rather than assume its
equivalence to `test`. Coverage uses block gas settings far above the network limits,
ignores [EIP 170][4] and rewrites your contracts in ways that might affect
their behavior.
**Step 4: Toggle the project on at Travis and Coveralls and push.**
[It should look like this][1]
**Appendix: Coveralls vs. Codecov**
**TLDR: We recommend Coveralls for the accuracy of its branch reporting.**
@ -71,11 +34,8 @@ If your target contains dozens (and dozens) of large contracts, you may run up a
contract compilation step. This can be addressed by setting the size of the memory space allocated to the command
when you run it.
// Truffle
$ node --max-old-space-size=4096 ./node_modules/.bin/truffle run coverage [options]
// Buidler
$ node --max-old-space-size=4096 ./node_modules/.bin/buidler coverage [options]
// Hardhat
$ node --max-old-space-size=4096 ./node_modules/.bin/hardhat coverage [options]
`solcjs` also has some limits on the size of the code bundle it can process. If you see errors like:
@ -112,7 +72,7 @@ uint x = 5; uint y = 7;
## Running out of time
Truffle sets a default mocha timeout of 5 minutes. Because tests run slower under coverage, it's possible to hit this limit with a test that iterates hundreds of times before producing a result. Timeouts can be disabled by configuring the mocha option in `.solcover.js` as below: (ProTip courtesy of [@cag](https://github.com/cag))
Because tests run slower under coverage, it's possible to hit default mocha time limits with a test that iterates hundreds of times before producing a result. Timeouts can be disabled by configuring the mocha option in `.solcover.js` as below: (ProTip courtesy of [@cag](https://github.com/cag))
module.exports = {
@ -185,3 +145,5 @@ If an `assert` or `require` is marked with an `I` in the coverage report, then d
[2]: https://codecov.io/
[3]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7332026/28502310-6851f79c-6fa4-11e7-8c80-c8fd80808092.png
[4]: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-170.md
[7]: https://github.com/SetProtocol/set-v2-strategies/blob/29db4a3de4a6ecd55a2c86d85a002b7e1106f8b2/.circleci/config.yml#L79-L143
[8]: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/c12076fb7e3dfe48ef1d9c3bb2a58bdd3ffc0cee/.github/workflows/test.yml#L36-L56

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
# How to install 0.7.0
$ npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
**Add** this package to your plugins array in `truffle-config.js`
module.exports = {
networks: {...},
plugins: ["solidity-coverage"]
truffle run coverage [command-options]
A full list of options and other information are [available here][8]
# Upgrading from 0.6.x to 0.7.x
First, follow [the installation instructions](#how-to-install-070) and see if it works.
:rabbit2: It does!? Bye.
:elephant: It does not.
#### Are you using Truffle V5?
+ Everything works best with Truffle versions >= 5.0.31.
#### Are you launching testrpc-sc yourself as a stand-alone client?
+ Stop launching it. The coverage plugin needs to initialize the client itself so it can hook into the EVM.
+ By default it uses the ganache bundled with Truffle, but you can use any version (see below).
#### Were you passing testrpc-sc lots of options as flags? :jp: :jp: :jp: :jp: :jp:
+ If the flags were `allowUnlimitedContractSize`, `gasLimit`, `gasPrice` or `emitFreeLogs`,
you can safely ignore them. Ditto if your port was `8555`.
+ If the flags were things like `--account` or `-i`, you'll need to transfer them as
[ganache-core options][1] to the `providerOptions` key in .solcover.js.
+ Ganache's "cli flag" and "js option" formats are slightly different. Check out [their docs][1]
*Before (at the command line)*
$ testrpc-sc --account="0x2b...7cd,1000000000000000000000000" -i 1999 --noVmErrorsOnRPCResponse
*Now (in .solcover.js)*
providerOptions: {
accounts: [{
secretKey: "0x2b.............7cd",
balance: "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000" // <-- Must be hex
network_id: 1999,
vmErrorsOnRPCResponse: false
#### Do you have a 'coverage' network in truffle-config.js?
+ If you copy-pasted it from the <= 0.6.x docs, **you can safely delete it**.
+ You should be able to `truffle run coverage --network <network-name>` and use the same config you
run your regular tests with.
+ You can also omit the network flag and you'll be given default settings which look like this:
'soliditycoverage': {
port: 8555,
host: "",
network_id: "*",
#### Do your tests depend on the specific ganache version you have as a local dependency?
+ Declare it in .solcover.js using the client option
client: require('ganache-cli'),
#### Does your config contain any deprecated options?
+ They are:
accounts, # Now: `providerOptions: { total_accounts: <number> }`
buildDirPath, # Now: `--temp <path>` (At the command line, see Advanced Use)
+ You can delete them.
#### Do you usually: (1) launch testrpc-sc, (2) do something special, (3) run solidity-coverage?
+ See [the workflow hooks documentation][3]. The "something special" will likely need to run within
an async function declared in .solcover.js
#### Are you what some might call an 'advanced user'?
+ See [Advanced Use][2]
#### Would you like to see some real-world installation examples?
+ [metacoin][4]
+ [openzeppelin-contracts][5]
+ [joinColony/colonyNetwork][6]
+ [aragon/aragon-court][7]
#### :tada: It's still not working!! :tada:
+ If your project is public, please open an issue linking to it and we will advise and/or
open a PR into your repo installing solidity-coverage after patching any relevant bugs here.
+ If your project is private, see if you can generate a reproduction case for the
problem and we'll try to fix that.
[1]: https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-core#options
[2]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/advanced.md
[3]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/advanced.md#workflow-hooks
[4]: https://github.com/sc-forks/metacoin
[5]: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/pull/1923
[6]: https://github.com/JoinColony/colonyNetwork/pull/716
[7]: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-court/pull/123
[8]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/tree/master#command-options

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
const UI = require('./../../lib/ui').UI;
* Plugin logging
class PluginUI extends UI {
* Writes a formatted message via log
* @param {String} kind message selector
* @param {String[]} args info to inject into template
report(kind, args=[]){
const c = this.chalk;
const ct = c.bold.green('>');
const ds = c.bold.yellow('>');
const w = ":warning:";
const kinds = {
'instr-skip': `\n${c.bold('Coverage skipped for:')}` +
'instr-skipped': `${ds} ${c.grey(args[0])}`,
'network': `\n${c.bold('Network Info')}` +
`\n${c.bold('============')}\n` +
`${ct} ${c.bold('id')}: ${args[1]}\n` +
`${ct} ${c.bold('port')}: ${args[2]}\n` +
`${ct} ${c.bold('network')}: ${args[0]}\n`,
* Returns a formatted message. Useful for error message.
* @param {String} kind message selector
* @param {String[]} args info to inject into template
* @return {String} message
generate(kind, args=[]){
const c = this.chalk;
const x = ":x:";
const kinds = {
'sources-fail': `${c.red('Cannot locate expected contract sources folder: ')} ${args[0]}`,
'solcoverjs-fail': `${c.red('Could not load .solcover.js config file. ')}` +
`${c.red('This can happen if it has a syntax error or ')}` +
`${c.red('the path you specified for it is wrong.')}`,
'tests-fail': `${x} ${c.bold(args[0])} ${c.red('test(s) failed under coverage.')}`,
return this._format(kinds[kind])
module.exports = PluginUI;