truffle-config.js. See [Network Configuration](#network-configuration).
### Usage notes:
+ For solidity pragma >= `0.5.0` and Petersburg.
+ For pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0/Petersburg.
+ Tests run more slowly while coverage is being generated.
+ Your contracts will be double-compiled and a (long) delay between compilation and
the beginning of test execution is possible if your contracts are large.
+ Truffle should be globallly installed in your environment.. If you prefer running truffle as
a local dependency, please see [this section]( of the FAQ.
+ If your suite uses native Solidity testing or accesses contracts via mocks stored in `tests/` (a la Zeppelin), coverage will trigger test errors because it's unable to control truffle's compilation of that folder. Mocks should be relocated to the root `contracts` directory. More on why this is necessary at issue [146](
+ If your suite uses native Solidity testing or accesses contracts via mocks stored in `tests/` (a la Zeppelin), coverage will trigger test errors because it can't control the way truffle compiles that folder. Mocks should be relocated to the root `contracts` directory. More on why this is necessary at issue [146](