# Solidity-Coverage API Solidity-coverage tracks which lines are hit as your tests run by instrumenting the contracts with special solidity statements and detecting their execution in a coverage-enabled EVM. As such, the API spans the full set of tasks typically required to run a solidity test suite. The table below shows how its core methods relate to the stages of a test run: | Test Stage | API Method | Description | |---------------|--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | compilation | `instrument` | A **pre-compilation** step: Rewrites contracts and generates an instrumentation data map. | | client launch | `ganache` | A **substitute** step: Launches a ganache client with coverage collection enabled in its VM. As the client runs it will mark line/branch hits on the instrumentation data map. | | test | `report` | A **post-test** step: Generates a coverage report from the data collected by the VM after tests complete. | | exit | `finish` | A **substitute** step: Shuts client down | [3]: https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul **Additional Resources:** + the library includes [file system utilities](#Utils) for managing the disposable set of contracts/artifacts which coverage must use in lieu of the 'real' (uninstrumented) contracts. + there are two complete [coverage tool/plugin implementations][5] (for Buidler and Truffle) which can be used as sources if you're building something similar. [5]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/tree/beta/plugins # Table of Contents - [API Methods](#api) * [constructor](#constructor) * [instrument](#instrument) * [ganache](#ganache) * [report](#report) * [finish](#finish) * [getInstrumentationData](#getinstrumentationdata) * [setInstrumentationData](#setinstrumentationdata) - [Utils Methods](#utils) * [loadSolcoverJS](#loadsolcoverjs) * [assembleFiles](#assemblefiles) * [getTempLocations](#gettemplocations) * [setupTempFolders](#setuptempfolders) * [save](#save) * [finish](#finish-1) # API **Example** ```javascript const CoverageAPI = require("solidity-coverage/api"); const api = new CoverageAPI(options); ``` ## constructor Creates a coverage API instance. Configurable. **Parameters** - `options` **Object** : API options | Option | Type | Default | Description | | ------ | ---- | ------- | ----------- | | port | *Number* | 8555 | Port to launch client on | | silent | *Boolean* | false | Suppress logging output | | client | *Object* | `require("ganache-core")` | JS Ethereum client | | providerOptions | *Object* | `{ }` | [ganache-core options][1] | | skipFiles | *Array* | `[]` | Array of contracts or folders (with paths expressed relative to the `contracts` directory) that should be skipped when doing instrumentation. | | istanbulFolder | *String* | `./coverage` | Folder location for Istanbul coverage reports. | | istanbulReporter | *Array* | `['html', 'lcov', 'text', 'json']` | [Istanbul coverage reporters][2] | [1]: https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-core#options [2]: https://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/alternative-reporters/ -------------- ## instrument Instruments a set of sources to prepare them for compilation. :warning: **Important:** Instrumented sources must be compiled with **solc optimization OFF** :warning: **Parameters** - `contracts` **Object[]**: Array of solidity sources and their paths Returns **Object[]** in the same format as the `contracts` param, but with sources instrumented. **Example** ```javascript const contracts = [{ source: "contract Simple { uint x = 5; }", canonicalPath: "/Users/user/project/contracts/Simple.sol", relativePath: "Simple.sol" // Optional, used for pretty printing. },...] const instrumented = api.instrument(contracts) ``` -------------- ## ganache Enables coverage data collection on an in-process ganache server. By default, this method launches the server, begins listening on the port specified in the [config](#constructor) (or 8555 if unspecified), and returns a url string. When `autoLaunchServer` is false, method returns `ganache.server` so you can control the `server.listen` invocation yourself. **Parameters** - `client` **Object**: (*Optional*) ganache module - `autoLaunchServer` **Boolean**: (*Optional*) Returns **Promise** Address of server to connect to, or initialized, unlaunched server **Example** ```javascript const client = require('ganache-cli'); const api = new CoverageAPI( { client: client } ); const address = await api.ganache(); > // Alternatively... const server = await api.ganache(client, false); await pify(server.listen()(8545)); ``` -------------- ## report Generates coverage report using IstanbulJS **Parameters** - `istanbulFolder` **String**: (*Optional*) path to folder Istanbul will deposit coverage reports in. Returns **Promise** **Example** ```javascript await api.report('./coverage_4A3cd2b'); // Default folder name is 'coverage' ``` ------------- ## finish Shuts down coverage-enabled ganache server instance Returns **Promise** **Example** ```javascript const client = require('ganache-cli'); await api.ganache(client); // Server listening... await api.finish(); // Server shut down. ``` ------------- ## getInstrumentationData Returns a copy of the hit map created during instrumentation. Useful if you'd like to delegate coverage collection to multiple processes. Returns **Object** instrumentation data; **Example** ```javascript const instrumented = api.instrument(contracts); const data = api.getInstrumentationData(); save(data); // Pseudo-code ``` ------------- ## setInstrumentationData Sets the hit map object generated during instrumentation. Useful if you'd like to collect or convert data to coverage for an instrumentation which was generated in a different process. **Example** ```javascript const data = load(data); // Pseudo-code api.setIntrumentationData(data); // Client will collect data for the loaded map const address = await api.ganache(client); // Or to `report` instrumentation data which was collected in a different process. const data = load(data); // Pseudo-code api.setInstrumentationData(data); api.report(); ``` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utils ```javascript const utils = require('solidity-coverage/utils'); ``` Many of the utils methods take a `config` object param which defines the absolute paths to your project root and contracts directory. **Example** ```javascript const config = { workingDir: process.cwd(), contractsDir: path.join(process.cwd(), 'contracts'), } ``` ------------- ## loadSolcoverJS Loads `.solcoverjs`. Users may specify [options][7] in a `.solcover.js` config file which your application needs to consume. **Parameters** - `config` **Object**: [See *config* above](#Utils) Returns **Object** Normalized coverage config **Example** ```javascript const solcoverJS = utils.loadSolcoverJS(config); const api = new CoverageAPI(solcoverJS); ``` [7]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/tree/beta#config-options ------------- ## assembleFiles Loads contracts from the filesystem in a format that can be passed directly to the [api.instrument](#instrument) method. Filters by an optional `skipFiles` parameter. **Parameters** - `config` **Object**: [See *config* above](#Utils) - `skipFiles` **String[]**: (*Optional*) Array of files or folders to skip [See API *constructor*](#constructor) Returns **Object** with `targets` and `skipped` keys. These are Object arrays of contract sources and paths. **Example** ```javascript const { targets, skipped } = utils.assembleFiles(config, ['Migrations.sol']) const instrumented = api.instrument(contracts); ``` -------------- ## getTempLocations Returns a pair of canonically named temporary directory paths for contracts and artifacts. Instrumented assets can be compiled from and written to these so the unit tests can use them as sources. **Parameters** - `config` **Object**: [See *config* above](#Utils) Returns **Object** with two absolute paths to disposable folders, `tempContractsDir`, `tempArtifactsDir`. These directories are named `.coverage_contracts` and `.coverage_artifacts`. **Example** ```javascript const { tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir } = utils.getTempLocations(config) utils.setupTempFolders(config, tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir) // Later, you can call `utils.finish` to delete these... utils.finish(config, api) ``` ---------- ## setupTempFolders Creates temporary directories to store instrumented contracts and their compilation artifacts in. **Parameters** - `config` **Object**: [See *config* above](#Utils) - `tempContractsDir` **String**: absolute path to temporary contracts directory - `tempArtifactsDir` **String**: absolute path to temporary artifacts directory **Example** ```javascript const { tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir } = utils.getTempLocations(config) utils.setupTempFolders(config, tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir); ``` ------------- ## save Writes an array of instrumented sources in the object format returned by [api.instrument](#instrument) to a temporary directory. **Parameters** - `contracts` **Object[]**: array of contracts & paths generated by [api.instrument](#instrument) - `originalDir` **String**: absolute path to original contracts directory - `tempDir` **String**: absolute path to temp contracts directory (the destination of the save) **Example** ```javascript const { tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir } = utils.getTempLocations(config) utils.setupTempFolders(config, tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir); const instrumented = api.instrument(contracts); utils.save(instrumented, config.contractsDir, tempContractsDir); ``` ------------- ## finish Deletes temporary folders and shuts the ganache server down. Is tolerant - if folders or ganache server don't exist it will return silently. **Parameters** - `config` **Object**: [See *config* above](#Utils) - `api` **Object**: (*Optional*) coverage api instance whose own `finish` method will be called Returns **Promise** **Example** ```javascript await utils.finish(config, api); ```