const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const ConfigValidator = require('./../../lib/validator'); describe('config validation', () => { let validator; let solcoverjs; before(() => validator = new ConfigValidator()); beforeEach(() => solcoverjs = {}); it('validates an empty config', function() { assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), '{} should be valid'); }) it('validates config with unknown options', function(){ solcoverjs.unknown_option = 'hello'; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), '.cwd string should be valid') }) it('validates the "string" options', function(){ const options = [ "cwd", "host", "istanbulFolder" ] options.forEach(name => { // Pass solcoverjs = {}; solcoverjs[name] = "a_string"; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), `${name} string should be valid`) // Fail solcoverjs[name] = 0; try { validator.validate(solcoverjs); } catch (err){ assert(err.message.includes(`"${name}" is not of a type(s) string`), err.message); } }); }); it('validates the "boolean" options', function(){ const options = [ "silent", "autoLaunchServer", "measureStatementCoverage", "measureFunctionCoverage", "measureModifierCoverage" ] options.forEach(name => { // Pass solcoverjs = {}; solcoverjs[name] = false; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), `${name} boolean should be valid`) // Fail solcoverjs[name] = "false"; try { validator.validate(solcoverjs); } catch (err){ assert(err.message.includes(`"${name}" is not of a type(s) boolean`), err.message); } }); }); it('validates the "object" options', function(){ const options = [ "client", "providerOptions", ] options.forEach(name => { // Pass solcoverjs = {}; solcoverjs[name] = {a_property: 'a'}; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), `${name} object should be valid`) // Fail solcoverjs[name] = 0; try { validator.validate(solcoverjs); } catch (err){ assert(err.message.includes(`"${name}" is not of a type(s) object`), err.message); } }); }); it('validates the "number" options', function(){ const options = [ "port", ] options.forEach(name => { // Pass solcoverjs = {}; solcoverjs[name] = 0; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), `${name} number should be valid`) // Fail solcoverjs[name] = "a_string"; try { validator.validate(solcoverjs); } catch (err){ assert(err.message.includes(`"${name}" is not of a type(s) number`), err.message); } }); }); it('validates the "string[]" options', function(){ const options = [ "skipFiles", "istanbulReporter", ] options.forEach(name => { // Pass solcoverjs = {}; solcoverjs[name] = ['a_string']; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), `${name} string array should be valid`) // Fail solcoverjs[name] = "a_string"; try { validator.validate(solcoverjs); } catch (err){ assert(err.message.includes(`"${name}" is not of a type(s) array`), err.message); } }); }); it('validates the "function" options', function(){ const options = [ "onCompileComplete", "onServerReady", "onTestComplete", "onIstanbulComplete", ] options.forEach(name => { // Pass solcoverjs = {}; solcoverjs[name] = async (a,b) => {}; assert(validator.validate(solcoverjs), `${name} string array should be valid`) // Fail solcoverjs[name] = "a_string"; try { validator.validate(solcoverjs); } catch (err){ assert(err.message.includes(`"${name}" is not a function`), err.message); } }); }); });