const UI = require('./../../lib/ui').UI; /** * Plugin logging */ class PluginUI extends UI { constructor(log){ super(log); } /** * Writes a formatted message via log * @param {String} kind message selector * @param {String[]} args info to inject into template */ report(kind, args=[]){ const c = this.chalk; const ct ='>'); const ds = c.bold.yellow('>'); const w = ":warning:"; const kinds = { 'instr-skip': `\n${c.bold('Coverage skipped for:')}` + `\n${c.bold('=====================')}\n`, 'instr-skipped': `${ds} ${c.grey(args[0])}`, 'network': `\n${c.bold('Network Info')}` + `\n${c.bold('============')}\n` + `${ct} ${c.bold('id')}: ${args[1]}\n` + `${ct} ${c.bold('port')}: ${args[2]}\n` + `${ct} ${c.bold('network')}: ${args[0]}\n`, } this._write(kinds[kind]); } /** * Returns a formatted message. Useful for error message. * @param {String} kind message selector * @param {String[]} args info to inject into template * @return {String} message */ generate(kind, args=[]){ const c = this.chalk; const x = ":x:"; const kinds = { 'sources-fail': `${'Cannot locate expected contract sources folder: ')} ${args[0]}`, 'solcoverjs-fail': `${'Could not load .solcover.js config file. ')}` + `${'This can happen if it has a syntax error or ')}` + `${'the path you specified for it is wrong.')}`, 'tests-fail': `${x} ${c.bold(args[0])} ${'test(s) failed under coverage.')}`, 'mocha-parallel-fail': `${'Coverage cannot be run in mocha parallel mode. ')}` + `${'Set \`mocha: { parallel: false }\` in .solcover.js ')}` + `${'to disable the option for the coverage task. ')}` + `${'See the solidity-coverage README FAQ for info on parallelizing coverage in CI.')}`, } return this._format(kinds[kind]) } } module.exports = PluginUI;