const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path') const shell = require('shelljs'); const verify = require('../../util/verifiers') const mock = require('../../util/integration.truffle'); const plugin = require('../../../dist/truffle.plugin'); // ======= // Errors // ======= describe('Truffle Plugin: error cases', function() { let truffleConfig; let solcoverConfig; beforeEach(() => { mock.clean(); mock.loggerOutput.val = ''; solcoverConfig = {}; truffleConfig = mock.getDefaultTruffleConfig(); }) afterEach(() => mock.clean()); it('project contains no contract sources folder', async function() { verify.cleanInitialState(); mock.installFullProject('no-sources'); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert( err.message.includes('Cannot locate expected contract sources folder'), `Should error when contract sources cannot be found:: ${err.message}` ); assert( err.message.includes('sc_temp/contracts'), `Error message should contain path:: ${err.message}` ); } verify.coverageNotGenerated(truffleConfig); }); it('project .solcover.js has syntax error', async function(){ verify.cleanInitialState(); mock.installFullProject('bad-solcoverjs'); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert( err.message.includes('Could not load .solcover.js config file.'), `Should notify when solcoverjs has syntax error:: ${err.message}` ); } verify.coverageNotGenerated(truffleConfig); }) it('lib module load failure', async function(){ verify.cleanInitialState(); truffleConfig.usePluginTruffle = true; truffleConfig.forceLibFailure = true; mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch (err) { assert( err.message.includes('Unable to load plugin copy'), `Should error on failed lib module load: ${err.message}` ); } }); // Simple.sol with a failing assertion in a truffle test it('truffle tests failing', async function() { verify.cleanInitialState(); mock.install('Simple', 'truffle-test-fail.js', solcoverConfig); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert(err.message.includes('failed under coverage')); } verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const path = Object.keys(output)[0]; assert(output[path].fnMap['1'].name === 'test', 'cov missing "test"'); assert(output[path].fnMap['2'].name === 'getX', 'cov missing "getX"'); }); // Truffle test contains syntax error it('truffle crashes', async function() { verify.cleanInitialState(); mock.install('Simple', 'truffle-crash.js', solcoverConfig); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert(err.toString().includes('SyntaxError')); } }); // Solidity syntax errors it('compilation failure', async function(){ verify.cleanInitialState(); mock.install('SimpleError', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert(err.toString().includes('Compilation failed')); } verify.coverageNotGenerated(truffleConfig); }); it('instrumentation failure', async function(){ verify.cleanInitialState(); mock.install('Unparseable', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert( err.toString().includes('/Unparseable.sol.'), `Should throw instrumentation errors with file name: ${err.toString()}` ); assert(err.stack !== undefined, 'Should have error trace') } verify.coverageNotGenerated(truffleConfig); }) })