# How to install 0.7.0 **Install** ``` $ npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage ``` **Add** this package to your plugins array in `truffle-config.js` ```javascript module.exports = { networks: {...}, plugins: ["solidity-coverage"] } ``` **Run** ``` truffle run coverage [command-options] ``` A full list of options and other information are [available here][8] # Upgrading from 0.6.x to 0.7.x First, follow [the installation instructions](#how-to-install-070) and see if it works. :rabbit2: It does!? Bye. :elephant: It does not. #### Are you using Truffle V5? + Everything works best with Truffle versions >= 5.0.31. #### Are you launching testrpc-sc yourself as a stand-alone client? + Stop launching it. The coverage plugin needs to initialize the client itself so it can hook into the EVM. + By default it uses the ganache bundled with Truffle, but you can use any version (see below). #### Were you passing testrpc-sc lots of options as flags? :jp: :jp: :jp: :jp: :jp: + If the flags were `allowUnlimitedContractSize`, `gasLimit`, `gasPrice` or `emitFreeLogs`, you can safely ignore them. Ditto if your port was `8555`. + If the flags were things like `--account` or `-i`, you'll need to transfer them as [ganache-core options][1] to the `providerOptions` key in .solcover.js. + Ganache's "cli flag" and "js option" formats are slightly different. Check out [their docs][1] **Example** *Before (at the command line)* ``` $ testrpc-sc --account="0x2b...7cd,1000000000000000000000000" -i 1999 --noVmErrorsOnRPCResponse ``` *Now (in .solcover.js)* ```javascript providerOptions: { accounts: [{ secretKey: "0x2b.............7cd", balance: "0xD3C21BCECCEDA1000000" // <-- Must be hex }], network_id: 1999, vmErrorsOnRPCResponse: false } #### Do you have a 'coverage' network in truffle-config.js? + If you copy-pasted it from the <= 0.6.x docs, **you can safely delete it**. + You should be able to `truffle run coverage --network ` and use the same config you run your regular tests with. + You can also omit the network flag and you'll be given default settings which look like this: ```javascript 'soliditycoverage': { port: 8555, host: "", network_id: "*", } ``` #### Do your tests depend on the specific ganache version you have as a local dependency? + Declare it in .solcover.js using the client option ```javascript client: require('ganache-cli'), ``` #### Does your config contain any deprecated options? + They are: ``` accounts, # Now: `providerOptions: { total_accounts: }` buildDirPath, # Now: `--temp ` (At the command line, see Advanced Use) copyPackages, copyNodeModules, deepSkip, testCommand, compileCommand, noRpc ``` + You can delete them. #### Do you usually: (1) launch testrpc-sc, (2) do something special, (3) run solidity-coverage? + See [the workflow hooks documentation][3]. The "something special" will likely need to run within an async function declared in .solcover.js #### Are you what some might call an 'advanced user'? + See [Advanced Use][2] #### Would you like to see some real-world installation examples? + [metacoin][4] + [openzeppelin-contracts][5] + [joinColony/colonyNetwork][6] + [aragon/aragon-court][7] #### :tada: It's still not working!! :tada: + If your project is public, please open an issue linking to it and we will advise and/or open a PR into your repo installing solidity-coverage after patching any relevant bugs here. + If your project is private, see if you can generate a reproduction case for the problem and we'll try to fix that. [1]: https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-core#options [2]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/advanced.md [3]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/advanced.md#workflow-hooks [4]: https://github.com/sc-forks/metacoin [5]: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/pull/1923 [6]: https://github.com/JoinColony/colonyNetwork/pull/716 [7]: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-court/pull/123 [8]: https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/tree/master#command-options