const path = require('path'); const PluginUI = require('./resources/nomiclabs.ui'); const { extendConfig, task, types } = require("hardhat/config"); const { HardhatPluginError } = require("hardhat/plugins") const {HARDHAT_NETWORK_RESET_EVENT} = require("hardhat/internal/constants"); const { TASK_TEST, TASK_COMPILE, TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILER_INPUT, TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILATION_JOB_FOR_FILE, TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_LOG_COMPILATION_ERRORS } = require("hardhat/builtin-tasks/task-names"); // Toggled true for `coverage` task only. let measureCoverage = false; let configureYulOptimizer = false; let instrumentedSources; let optimizerDetails; // UI for the task flags... const ui = new PluginUI(); // Workaround for hardhat-viem-plugin and other provider redefinition conflicts extendConfig((config, userConfig) => { if (Boolean(process.env.SOLIDITY_COVERAGE)) { const { configureHardhatEVMGas } = require('./resources/nomiclabs.utils'); const API = require('./../lib/api'); const api = new API({}); const hardhatNetworkForCoverage = {}; configureHardhatEVMGas(hardhatNetworkForCoverage, api); config.networks.hardhat = Object.assign(config.networks.hardhat, hardhatNetworkForCoverage); } }); subtask(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILER_INPUT).setAction(async (_, { config }, runSuper) => { const solcInput = await runSuper(); if (measureCoverage) { // The source name here is actually the global name in the solc input, // but hardhat uses the fully qualified contract names. for (const [sourceName, source] of Object.entries(solcInput.sources)) { const absolutePath = path.join(config.paths.root, sourceName); // Patch in the instrumented source code. if (absolutePath in instrumentedSources) { source.content = instrumentedSources[absolutePath]; } } } return solcInput; }); // Solidity settings are best set here instead of the TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILER_INPUT task. subtask(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILATION_JOB_FOR_FILE).setAction(async (_, __, runSuper) => { const compilationJob = await runSuper(); if (measureCoverage && typeof compilationJob === "object") { if (compilationJob.solidityConfig.settings === undefined) { compilationJob.solidityConfig.settings = {}; } const { settings } = compilationJob.solidityConfig; if (settings.metadata === undefined) { settings.metadata = {}; } if (settings.optimizer === undefined) { settings.optimizer = {}; } // Unset useLiteralContent due to solc metadata size restriction settings.metadata.useLiteralContent = false; // Beginning with v0.8.7, we let the optimizer run if viaIR is true and // instrument using `abi.encode(bytes8 covHash)`. Otherwise turn the optimizer off. if (!settings.viaIR) settings.optimizer.enabled = false; // This sometimes fixed a stack-too-deep bug in ABIEncoderV2 for coverage plugin versions up to 0.8.6 // Although issue should be fixed in 0.8.7, am leaving this option in because it may still be necessary // to configure optimizer details in some cases. if (configureYulOptimizer) { if (optimizerDetails === undefined) { settings.optimizer.details = { yul: true, yulDetails: { stackAllocation: true, }, } // Other configurations may work as well. This loads custom details from .solcoverjs } else { settings.optimizer.details = optimizerDetails; } } } return compilationJob; }); // Suppress compilation warnings because injected trace function triggers // complaint about unused variable subtask(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_LOG_COMPILATION_ERRORS).setAction(async (_, __, runSuper) => { const defaultWarn = console.warn; if (measureCoverage) { console.warn = () => {}; } await runSuper(); console.warn = defaultWarn; }); /** * Coverage task implementation * @param {HardhatUserArgs} args * @param {HardhatEnv} env */ task("coverage", "Generates a code coverage report for tests") .addOptionalParam("testfiles", ui.flags.file, "", types.string) .addOptionalParam("solcoverjs", ui.flags.solcoverjs, "", types.string) .addOptionalParam('temp', ui.flags.temp, "", types.string) .addOptionalParam('sources', ui.flags.sources, "", types.string) .addFlag('matrix', ui.flags.testMatrix) .addFlag('abi', ui.flags.abi) .setAction(async function(args, env){ const API = require('./../lib/api'); const utils = require('./resources/plugin.utils'); const nomiclabsUtils = require('./resources/nomiclabs.utils'); const pkg = require('./../package.json'); let error; let ui; let api; let config; let address; let failedTests = 0; instrumentedSources = {}; measureCoverage = true; // Set a variable on the environment so other tasks can detect if this task is executing env.__SOLIDITY_COVERAGE_RUNNING = true; try { config = nomiclabsUtils.normalizeConfig(env.config, args); ui = new PluginUI(config.logger.log); api = new API(utils.loadSolcoverJS(config)); optimizerDetails = api.solcOptimizerDetails; // Catch interrupt signals process.on("SIGINT", nomiclabsUtils.finish.bind(null, config, api, true)); // Warn about hardhat-viem plugin if present and config hasn't happened if (env.viem !== undefined && nomiclabsUtils.requiresEVMConfiguration(, api)) {'hardhat-viem', []); throw new Error(ui.generate('hardhat-viem')); } // Version Info'hardhat-versions', [pkg.version]); // Merge non-null flags into hardhatArguments const flags = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(args)){ if (args[key] && args[key].length){ flags[key] = args[key] } } env.hardhatArguments = Object.assign(env.hardhatArguments, flags) // Error if --network flag is set if ({ throw new Error(ui.generate('network-fail')); } // =========================== // Generate abi diff component // (This flag only useful within codecheck context) // =========================== if (args.abi){ measureCoverage = false; await nomiclabsUtils.generateHumanReadableAbiList(env, api, TASK_COMPILE); return; } // ================ // Instrumentation // ================ const skipFiles = api.skipFiles || []; let { targets, skipped } = utils.assembleFiles(config, skipFiles); targets = api.instrument(targets); for (const target of targets) { instrumentedSources[target.canonicalPath] = target.source; } utils.reportSkipped(config, skipped); // ============== // Compilation // =============='compilation', []); config.temp = args.temp; configureYulOptimizer = api.config.configureYulOptimizer; // With Hardhat >= 2.0.4, everything should automatically recompile // after solidity-coverage corrupts the artifacts. // Prior to that version, we (try to) save artifacts to a temp folder. if (!config.useHardhatDefaultPaths){ const { tempArtifactsDir, tempContractsDir } = utils.getTempLocations(config); utils.setupTempFolders(config, tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir) config.paths.artifacts = tempArtifactsDir; config.paths.cache = nomiclabsUtils.tempCacheDir(config); } await api.onPreCompile(config); await; await api.onCompileComplete(config); // ============== // Server launch // ============== let network if (nomiclabsUtils.requiresEVMConfiguration(, api)) { network = await nomiclabsUtils.setupHardhatNetwork(env, api, ui); } else { network =; } accounts = await utils.getAccountsHardhat(network.provider); nodeInfo = await utils.getNodeInfoHardhat(network.provider); // Note: this only works if the reset block number is before any transactions have fired on the fork. // e.g you cannot fork at block 1, send some txs (blocks 2,3,4) and reset to block 2, async () => { await api.attachToHardhatVM(; }); await api.attachToHardhatVM(network.provider);'hardhat-network', [ nodeInfo.split('/')[1],, ]); // Set default account (if not already configured) nomiclabsUtils.setNetworkFrom(network.config, accounts); // Run post-launch server hook; await api.onServerReady(config); // ====== // Tests // ====== const testfiles = args.testfiles ? nomiclabsUtils.getTestFilePaths(args.testfiles) : []; // Optionally collect tests-per-line-of-code data nomiclabsUtils.collectTestMatrixData(args, env, api); try { failedTests = await, {testFiles: testfiles}) } catch (e) { error = e; } await api.onTestsComplete(config); // ================================= // Output (Istanbul or Test Matrix) // ================================= (args.matrix) ? await api.saveTestMatrix() : await; await api.onIstanbulComplete(config); } catch(e) { error = e; } finally { measureCoverage = false; } await nomiclabsUtils.finish(config, api); if (error !== undefined ) throw new HardhatPluginError(error); if (failedTests > 0) throw new HardhatPluginError(ui.generate('tests-fail', [failedTests])); })