/* Utilities for generating & managing mock projects to test plugins. */ const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const shell = require('shelljs'); const decache = require('decache'); const globalModules = require('global-modules'); const { HARDHAT_NETWORK_NAME } = require("hardhat/plugins") const { resetHardhatContext } = require("hardhat/plugins-testing") const temp = './sc_temp'; const hardhatConfigName = 'hardhat.config.js'; const configPath = `${temp}/.solcover.js`; const testPath = './test/sources/js/'; const sourcesPath = './test/sources/solidity/contracts/app/'; const templatePath = './test/sources/generic/*'; const projectPath = './test/sources/projects/' let previousCWD; // ========================== // Misc Utils // ========================== function decacheConfigs(){ const paths = [ `${process.cwd()}/${temp}/.solcover.js`, `${process.cwd()}/${temp}/${hardhatConfigName}`, `${process.cwd()}/${temp}/contracts/Simple.sol`, `${process.cwd()}/${temp}/test/simple.js`, `${process.cwd()}/${temp}/test/account-one.js`, ]; paths.forEach(pth => { try { decache(pth) } catch (e){} }); } function clean() { shell.config.silent = true; shell.rm('-Rf', temp); shell.rm('-Rf', 'coverage'); shell.rm('coverage.json'); shell.rm('.solcover.js'); shell.config.silent = false; }; function pathToContract(config, file) { return path.join('contracts', file); } function pathToTemp(_path) { return path.join(temp, _path); } function getOutput(config){ const workingDir = config.working_directory || config.paths.root; const jsonPath = path.join(workingDir, "coverage.json"); return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8')); } // Hardhat env set up function hardhatSetupEnv(mocha) { const mockwd = path.join(process.cwd(), temp); previousCWD = process.cwd(); process.chdir(mockwd); mocha.env = require("hardhat"); mocha.env.config.logger = testLogger mocha.logger = testLogger }; // Hardhat env tear down function hardhatTearDownEnv() { resetHardhatContext(); process.chdir(previousCWD); // remove? }; // ========================== // NomicLab Configuration // ========================== function getDefaultNomicLabsConfig(){ const logger = process.env.SILENT ? { log: () => {} } : console; const reporter = process.env.SILENT ? 'dot' : 'spec'; const mockwd = path.join(process.cwd(), temp); const vals = { paths : { root: mockwd, artifacts: path.join(mockwd, 'artifacts'), cache: path.join(mockwd, 'cache'), sources: path.join(mockwd, 'contracts'), tests: path.join(mockwd, 'test'), }, logger: logger, mocha: { reporter: reporter }, networks: { development: { url: "", } } } return vals; } function getDefaultHardhatConfig() { const config = getDefaultNomicLabsConfig() config.defaultNetwork = HARDHAT_NETWORK_NAME; config.solidity = { version: "0.8.17", settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true }, viaIR: process.env.VIA_IR === "true" } } return config; } function getHardhatConfigJS(config){ const prefix =` require("@nomiclabs/hardhat-truffle5"); require(__dirname + "/../plugins/nomiclabs.plugin"); ` if (config) { return `${prefix}module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(config, null, ' ')}`; } else { return `${prefix}module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(getDefaultHardhatConfig(), null, ' ')}`; } } // ========================== // .solcover.js Configuration // ========================== function getSolcoverJS(config){ return `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(config, null, ' ')}` } // ========================== // Project Installers // ========================== /** * Installs mock project at ./temp with a single contract * and test specified by the params. * @param {String} contract located in /test/sources/cli/ * @param {[type]} test located in /test/cli/ */ function install( contract, test, solcoverConfig, devPlatformConfig ) { if(solcoverConfig) solcoverJS = getSolcoverJS(solcoverConfig); // Scaffold shell.mkdir(temp); shell.cp('-Rf', templatePath, temp); // Contract shell.cp(`${sourcesPath}${contract}.sol`, `${temp}/contracts/${contract}.sol`); // Test shell.cp(`${testPath}${test}`, `${temp}/test/${test}`); // Configs fs.writeFileSync(`${temp}/${hardhatConfigName}`, getHardhatConfigJS(devPlatformConfig)); if(solcoverConfig) fs.writeFileSync(configPath, solcoverJS); decacheConfigs(); }; /** * Installs mock project with two contracts (for inheritance, libraries, etc) */ function installDouble(contracts, test, config) { const configjs = getSolcoverJS(config); // Scaffold shell.mkdir(temp); shell.cp('-Rf', templatePath, temp); // Contracts contracts.forEach(item => { (item.includes('.')) ? shell.cp(`${sourcesPath}${item}`, `${temp}/contracts/${item}`) : shell.cp(`${sourcesPath}${item}.sol`, `${temp}/contracts/${item}.sol`); }); // Test shell.cp(`${testPath}${test}`, `${temp}/test/${test}`); // Configs fs.writeFileSync(`${temp}/${hardhatConfigName}`, getHardhatConfigJS()); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, configjs); decacheConfigs(); }; /** * Installs full project */ function installFullProject(name, config) { shell.mkdir(temp); shell.cp('-Rf', `${projectPath}${name}/{.,}*`, temp); if (config){ const configjs = getSolcoverJS(config); fs.writeFileSync(`${temp}/.solcover.js`, configjs); } decacheConfigs(); } // ========================== // Logging // ========================== const loggerOutput = { val: '' }; const testLogger = { log: (val) => { if (val !== undefined) loggerOutput.val += val; if (!process.env.SILENT && val !== undefined) console.log(val) } } module.exports = { pathToTemp: pathToTemp, testLogger: testLogger, loggerOutput: loggerOutput, getDefaultHardhatConfig: getDefaultHardhatConfig, install: install, installDouble: installDouble, installFullProject: installFullProject, clean: clean, pathToContract: pathToContract, getOutput: getOutput, hardhatSetupEnv: hardhatSetupEnv, hardhatTearDownEnv: hardhatTearDownEnv }