const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path') const shell = require('shelljs'); const verify = require('../../util/verifiers') const mock = require('../../util/integration.truffle'); const plugin = require('../../../dist/truffle.plugin'); // ======================= // Standard Use-case Tests // ======================= describe('Truffle Plugin: standard use cases', function() { let truffleConfig; let solcoverConfig; beforeEach(() => { mock.clean(); mock.loggerOutput.val = ''; solcoverConfig = {}; truffleConfig = mock.getDefaultTruffleConfig(); verify.cleanInitialState(); }) afterEach(() => mock.clean()); it('simple contract', async function(){ mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const path = Object.keys(output)[0]; assert( output[path].fnMap['1'].name === 'test', 'coverage.json missing "test"' ); assert( output[path].fnMap['2'].name === 'getX', 'coverage.json missing "getX"' ); }); it('with many unbracketed statements (time check)', async function() { truffleConfig.compilers.solc.version = "0.4.24"; mock.install('Oraclize', 'oraclize.js', solcoverConfig, truffleConfig, true); await plugin(truffleConfig); }); // This project has three contract suites and uses .deployed() instances which // depend on truffle's migratons and the inter-test evm_revert / evm_snapshot mechanism. it('with multiple migrations (evm_reverts repeatedly)', async function() { mock.installFullProject('multiple-migrations'); await plugin(truffleConfig); const expected = [ { file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractA.sol'), pct: 100 }, { file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractB.sol'), pct: 100, }, { file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractC.sol'), pct: 100, }, ]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); }); it('with relative path solidity imports', async function() { mock.installFullProject('import-paths'); await plugin(truffleConfig); }); it('uses libraries', async function() { mock.installFullProject('libraries'); await plugin(truffleConfig); }); it('uses native solidity tests', async function(){ mock.install('Simple', 'TestSimple.sol', solcoverConfig); truffleConfig.logger = mock.testLogger; await plugin(truffleConfig); assert( mock.loggerOutput.val.includes('native solidity tests'), `Should warn it is skipping native solidity tests: ${mock.loggerOutput.val}` ); }); it('uses inheritance', async function() { mock.installDouble( ['Proxy', 'Owned'], 'inheritance.js', solcoverConfig ); await plugin(truffleConfig); verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const ownedPath = Object.keys(output)[0]; const proxyPath = Object.keys(output)[1]; assert( output[ownedPath].fnMap['1'].name === 'constructor', '"constructor" not covered' ); assert( output[proxyPath].fnMap['1'].name === 'isOwner', '"isOwner" not covered' ); }); it('only uses ".call"', async function(){ mock.install('OnlyCall', 'only-call.js', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const path = Object.keys(output)[0]; assert( output[path].fnMap['1'].name === 'addTwo', 'cov should map "addTwo"' ); }); it('sends / transfers to instrumented fallback', async function(){ mock.install('Wallet', 'wallet.js', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const path = Object.keys(output)[0]; assert( output[path].fnMap['1'].name === 'transferPayment', 'cov should map "transferPayment"' ); }); // Truffle test asserts deployment cost is greater than 20,000,000 gas it('deployment cost > block gasLimit', async function() { mock.install('Expensive', 'block-gas-limit.js', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); }); // Simple.sol with a failing assertion in a truffle test it('unit tests failing', async function() { mock.install('Simple', 'truffle-test-fail.js', solcoverConfig); try { await plugin(truffleConfig); } catch(err){ assert(err.message.includes('failed under coverage')); } verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const path = Object.keys(output)[0]; assert(output[path].fnMap['1'].name === 'test', 'cov missing "test"'); assert(output[path].fnMap['2'].name === 'getX', 'cov missing "getX"'); }); it('uses the fallback server', async function(){ truffleConfig.logger = mock.testLogger; solcoverConfig.forceBackupServer = true; mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); assert( mock.loggerOutput.val.includes("Using ganache-core-sc"), `Should notify about backup server module: ${mock.loggerOutput.val}` ); }); // This project has [ @skipForCoverage ] tags in the test descriptions // at selected 'contract' and 'it' blocks. it('config: mocha options', async function() { solcoverConfig.mocha = { grep: '@skipForCoverage', invert: true, }; solcoverConfig.silent = process.env.SILENT ? true : false, solcoverConfig.istanbulReporter = ['json-summary', 'text'] mock.installFullProject('multiple-migrations', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); const expected = [ { file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractA.sol'), pct: 0 }, { file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractB.sol'), pct: 0, }, { file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractC.sol'), pct: 100, }, ]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); }); // Truffle test asserts balance is 777 ether it('config: providerOptions', async function() { solcoverConfig.providerOptions = { default_balance_ether: 777 } mock.install('Simple', 'testrpc-options.js', solcoverConfig); await plugin(truffleConfig); }); it('config: skipped file', async function() { solcoverConfig.skipFiles = ['Owned.sol']; mock.installDouble( ['Proxy', 'Owned'], 'inheritance.js', solcoverConfig ); await plugin(truffleConfig); verify.coverageGenerated(truffleConfig); const output = mock.getOutput(truffleConfig); const firstKey = Object.keys(output)[0]; assert( Object.keys(output).length === 1, 'Wrong # of contracts covered' ); assert( firstKey.substr(firstKey.length - 9) === 'Proxy.sol', 'Wrong contract covered' ); }); it('config: skipped folder', async function() { mock.installFullProject('skipping'); await plugin(truffleConfig); const expected = [{ file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'ContractA.sol'), pct: 100 }]; const missing = [{ file: mock.pathToContract(truffleConfig, 'skipped-folder/ContractB.sol'), }]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); verify.coverageMissing(missing); }); it('config: "onServerReady", "onTestsComplete", ...', async function() { truffleConfig.logger = mock.testLogger; mock.installFullProject('test-files'); await plugin(truffleConfig); assert( mock.loggerOutput.val.includes('running onServerReady') && mock.loggerOutput.val.includes('running onTestsComplete') && mock.loggerOutput.val.includes('running onCompileComplete') && mock.loggerOutput.val.includes('running onIstanbulComplete'), `Should run "on" hooks : ${mock.loggerOutput.val}` ); }); })