const instrumenter = {}; // These functions work out where in an expression we can inject our // instrumenation events. function createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, key, value) { if (contract.injectionPoints[key]) { contract.injectionPoints[key].push(value); } else { contract.injectionPoints[key] = [value]; } } instrumenter.prePosition = function prePosition(expression) { if (expression.right.type === 'ConditionalExpression' && expression.left.type === 'MemberExpression') { expression.start -= 2; } }; instrumenter.instrumentAssignmentExpression = function instrumentAssignmentExpression(contract, expression) { // The only time we instrument an assignment expression is if there's a conditional expression on // the right if (expression.right.type === 'ConditionalExpression') { if (expression.left.type === 'DeclarativeExpression' || expression.left.type === 'Identifier') { // Then we need to go from bytes32 varname = (conditional expression) // to bytes32 varname; (,varname) = (conditional expression) createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.left.end, { type: 'literal', string: '; (,' + + ')', }); instrumenter.instrumentConditionalExpression(contract, expression.right); } else if (expression.left.type === 'MemberExpression') { createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.left.start, { type: 'literal', string: '(,', }); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.left.end, { type: 'literal', string: ')', }); instrumenter.instrumentConditionalExpression(contract, expression.right); } else { const err = 'Error instrumenting assignment expression @ solidity-coverage/lib/instrumenter.js'; console.log(err, contract, expression.left); process.exit(); } } }; instrumenter.instrumentConditionalExpression = function instrumentConditionalExpression(contract, expression) { contract.branchId += 1; const startline = (contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; const startcol = expression.start - contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).lastIndexOf('\n') - 1; const consequentStartCol = startcol + (contract, expression.consequent.start - expression.start); const consequentEndCol = consequentStartCol + (contract, expression.consequent.end - expression.consequent.start); const alternateStartCol = startcol + (contract, expression.alternate.start - expression.start); const alternateEndCol = alternateStartCol + (contract, expression.alternate.end - expression.alternate.start); // NB locations for conditional branches in istanbul are length 1 and associated with the : and ?. contract.branchMap[contract.branchId] = { line: startline, type: 'cond-expr', locations: [{ start: { line: startline, column: consequentStartCol, }, end: { line: startline, column: consequentEndCol, }, }, { start: { line: startline, column: alternateStartCol, }, end: { line: startline, column: alternateEndCol, }, }], }; // Right, this could be being used just by itself or as an assignment. In the case of the latter, because // the comma operator doesn't exist, we're going to have to get funky. // if we're on a line by ourselves, this is easier // // Now if we've got to wrap the expression it's being set equal to, do that... // Wrap the consequent createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.consequent.start, { type: 'openParen', }); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.consequent.start, { type: 'callBranchEvent', comma: true, branchId: contract.branchId, locationIdx: 0, }); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.consequent.end, { type: 'closeParen', }); // Wrap the alternate createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.alternate.start, { type: 'openParen', }); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.alternate.start, { type: 'callBranchEvent', comma: true, branchId: contract.branchId, locationIdx: 1, }); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.alternate.end, { type: 'closeParen', }); }; instrumenter.instrumentStatement = function instrumentStatement(contract, expression) { contract.statementId += 1; // We need to work out the lines and columns the expression starts and ends const startline = (contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; const startcol = expression.start - contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).lastIndexOf('\n') - 1; const expressionContent = contract.instrumented.slice(expression.start, expression.end); const endline = startline + (contract, expressionContent.match('/\n/g') || []).length; let endcol; if (expressionContent.lastIndexOf('\n') >= 0) { endcol = contract.instrumented.slice(expressionContent.lastIndexOf('\n'), expression.end).length - 1; } else { endcol = startcol + (contract, expressionContent.length - 1); } contract.statementMap[contract.statementId] = { start: { line: startline, column: startcol, }, end: { line: endline, column: endcol, }, }; createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.start, { type: 'statement', statementId: contract.statementId, }); }; instrumenter.instrumentLine = function instrumentLine(contract, expression) { // what's the position of the most recent newline? const startchar = expression.start; const endchar = expression.end; const lastNewLine = contract.instrumented.slice(0, startchar).lastIndexOf('\n'); const nextNewLine = startchar + contract.instrumented.slice(startchar).indexOf('\n'); const contractSnipped = contract.instrumented.slice(lastNewLine, nextNewLine); if (contract.instrumented.slice(lastNewLine, startchar).trim().length === 0 && contract.instrumented.slice(endchar, nextNewLine).replace(';', '').trim().length === 0) { createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, lastNewLine + 1, { type: 'callEvent', }); } else if (contract.instrumented.slice(lastNewLine, startchar).replace('{', '').trim().length === 0 && contract.instrumented.slice(endchar, nextNewLine).replace(/[;}]/g, '').trim().length === 0) { createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.start, { type: 'callEvent', }); } // Is everything before us and after us on this line whitespace? }; instrumenter.instrumentFunctionDeclaration = function instrumentFunctionDeclaration(contract, expression) { contract.fnId += 1; const startline = (contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; // We need to work out the lines and columns the function declaration starts and ends const startcol = expression.start - contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).lastIndexOf('\n') - 1; const endlineDelta = contract.instrumented.slice(expression.start).indexOf('{'); const functionDefinition = contract.instrumented.slice(expression.start, expression.start + endlineDelta); const endline = startline + (functionDefinition.match(/\n/g) || []).length; const endcol = functionDefinition.length - functionDefinition.lastIndexOf('\n'); contract.fnMap[contract.fnId] = { name:, line: startline, loc: { start: { line: startline, column: startcol, }, end: { line: endline, column: endcol, }, }, }; createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.start + endlineDelta + 1, { type: 'callFunctionEvent', fnId: contract.fnId, }); }; instrumenter.addNewBranch = function addNewBranch(contract, expression) { contract.branchId += 1; const startline = (contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; const startcol = expression.start - contract.instrumented.slice(0, expression.start).lastIndexOf('\n') - 1; // NB locations for if branches in istanbul are zero length and associated with the start of the if. contract.branchMap[contract.branchId] = { line: startline, type: 'if', locations: [{ start: { line: startline, column: startcol, }, end: { line: startline, column: startcol, }, }, { start: { line: startline, column: startcol, }, end: { line: startline, column: startcol, }, }], }; }; instrumenter.instrumentAssertOrRequire = function instrumentAssertOrRequire(contract, expression) { instrumenter.addNewBranch(contract, expression); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.start, { type: 'callAssertPreEvent', branchId: contract.branchId, }); createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.end + 1, { type: 'callAssertPostEvent', branchId: contract.branchId, }); }; instrumenter.instrumentIfStatement = function instrumentIfStatement(contract, expression) { instrumenter.addNewBranch(contract, expression); if (expression.consequent.type === 'BlockStatement') { createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.consequent.start + 1, { type: 'callBranchEvent', branchId: contract.branchId, locationIdx: 0, }); } if (expression.alternate && expression.alternate.type === 'IfStatement') { // Do nothing - we must be pre-preprocessor, so don't bother instrumenting - // when we're actually instrumenting, this will never happen (we've wrapped it in // a block statement) } else if (expression.alternate && expression.alternate.type === 'BlockStatement') { createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.alternate.start + 1, { type: 'callBranchEvent', branchId: contract.branchId, locationIdx: 1, }); } else { createOrAppendInjectionPoint(contract, expression.consequent.end, { type: 'callEmptyBranchEvent', branchId: contract.branchId, locationIdx: 1, }); } }; module.exports = instrumenter;