all files / originalContracts/ MetaTxController.sol

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pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
import "./Proxy.sol";
contract MetaTxController {
  Proxy public proxy;
  address public userKey;
  address public adminKey;
  uint public referenceNonce;
  modifier only(address key) { if (msg.sender == key) _;}
  function MetaTxController(address proxyAddress, address _userKey, address _adminKey) {
    proxy = Proxy(proxyAddress);
    userKey = _userKey;
    adminKey = _adminKey;
    referenceNonce = 0;
  function sendTx(address destination, uint value, bytes data, uint nonce, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) {
    var h = sha3(destination, bytes32(value), bytes32(nonce), data);
    var addressFromSig = ecrecover(h,v,r,s);
    if (nonce == referenceNonce && addressFromSig == userKey) {
      proxy.forward(destination, value, data);
      referenceNonce += 1;
  function updateUserKey(address newUserKey) only(adminKey) {
    userKey = newUserKey;
  function updateAdminKey(address newAdminKey) only(adminKey) {
    adminKey = newAdminKey;
  function transferOwnership(address newOwner) only(adminKey) {
    // This will end the functionality of the Ownership contract
    // since it's no longer allowed to forward transactions
    // to the proxy