const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path') const shell = require('shelljs'); const verify = require('../../util/verifiers') const mock = require('../../util/integration'); // ======================= // CLI Options / Flags // ======================= describe('Hardhat Plugin: command line options', function() { let hardhatConfig; let solcoverConfig; beforeEach(function(){ mock.clean(); mock.loggerOutput.val = ''; solcoverConfig = { skipFiles: ['Migrations.sol'], silent: process.env.SILENT ? true : false, istanbulReporter: ['json-summary', 'text'] }; hardhatConfig = mock.getDefaultHardhatConfig(); verify.cleanInitialState(); }) afterEach(async function (){ mock.hardhatTearDownEnv(); mock.clean(); }); it('--temp', async function(){ const taskArgs = { temp: 'special_folder' } mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); await"coverage", taskArgs); const expected = [{ file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'Simple.sol'), pct: 100 }]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); }); it('--network (declared port mismatches)', async function(){ solcoverConfig.port = 8222; mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); = "development"; await"coverage"); assert( mock.loggerOutput.val.includes("The 'port' values"), `Should notify about mismatched port values: ${mock.loggerOutput.val}` ); assert( mock.loggerOutput.val.includes("8545"), `Should have used default coverage port 8545: ${mock.loggerOutput.val}` ); assert( mock.loggerOutput.val.includes("development"), `Should have used specified network name: ${mock.loggerOutput.val}` ); const expected = [{ file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'Simple.sol'), pct: 100 }]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); }); it('--testfiles test/', async function() { const taskArgs = { testfiles: path.join( hardhatConfig.paths.root, 'test/specific_a.js' ) }; mock.installFullProject('test-files'); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); await"coverage", taskArgs); const expected = [ { file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'ContractA.sol'), pct: 100 }, { file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'ContractB.sol'), pct: 0, }, { file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'ContractC.sol'), pct: 0, }, ]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); }); it('--file test/', async function() { const taskArgs = { testfiles: path.join( hardhatConfig.paths.root, 'test/**/globby*' ) }; mock.installFullProject('test-files'); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); await"coverage", taskArgs); const expected = [ { file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'ContractA.sol'), pct: 0, }, { file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'ContractB.sol'), pct: 100, }, { file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'ContractC.sol'), pct: 100, }, ]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); }); it('--config ../.solcover.js', async function() { // Write solcoverjs to parent dir of sc_temp (where the test project is installed) fs.writeFileSync( '.solcover.js', `module.exports=${JSON.stringify(solcoverConfig)}` ); // This relative path has to be ./ prefixed (it's path.joined to hardhat's paths.root) const taskArgs = { solcoverjs: './../.solcover.js' }; mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js'); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); await"coverage", taskArgs); // The relative solcoverjs uses the json-summary reporter const expected = [{ file: mock.pathToContract(hardhatConfig, 'Simple.sol'), pct: 100 }]; verify.lineCoverage(expected); shell.rm('.solcover.js'); }); it('--matrix', async function(){ const taskArgs = { matrix: true } mock.installFullProject('matrix'); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); await"coverage", taskArgs); // Integration test checks output path configurabililty const altMatrixPath = path.join(process.cwd(), './alternateTestMatrix.json'); const expMatrixPath = path.join(process.cwd(), './expectedTestMatrixHardhat.json'); const altMochaPath = path.join(process.cwd(), './alternateMochaOutput.json'); const expMochaPath = path.join(process.cwd(), './expectedMochaOutput.json'); const producedMatrix = require(altMatrixPath) const expectedMatrix = require(expMatrixPath); const producedMochaOutput = require(altMochaPath); const expectedMochaOutput = require(expMochaPath); assert.deepEqual(producedMatrix, expectedMatrix); assert.deepEqual(producedMochaOutput, expectedMochaOutput); }); it('--abi', async function(){ const expected = [ { "contractName": "Migrations", "humanReadableAbiList": [ "function last_completed_migration() view returns (uint256)", "function owner() view returns (address)", "function setCompleted(uint256) nonpayable", "function upgrade(address) nonpayable" ] }, { "contractName": "Simple", "humanReadableAbiList": [ "function getX() view returns (uint256)", "function test(uint256) nonpayable" ] } ]; const taskArgs = { abi: true } mock.install('Simple', 'simple.js', solcoverConfig); mock.hardhatSetupEnv(this); await"coverage", taskArgs); const outputPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'humanReadableAbis.json'); const output = require(outputPath); assert.deepEqual(output, expected); }) });