const shell = require('shelljs'); const globby = require('globby'); const pluginUtils = require("./plugin.utils"); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const { createProvider } = require("@nomiclabs/buidler/internal/core/providers/construction"); // ============================= // Buidler Specific Plugin Utils // ============================= /** * Returns a list of test files to pass to TASK_TEST. * @param {BuidlerConfig} config * @return {String[]} list of files to pass to mocha */ function getTestFilePaths(config){ let target; // Handle --file cli option (subset of tests) (typeof config.file === 'string') ? target = globby.sync([config.file]) : target = []; // Return list of test files const testregex = /.*\.(js|ts|es|es6|jsx)$/; return target.filter(f => f.match(testregex) != null); } /** * Normalizes buidler paths / logging for use by the plugin utilities and * attaches them to the config * @param {BuidlerConfig} config * @return {BuidlerConfig} updated config */ function normalizeConfig(config){ config.workingDir = config.paths.root; config.contractsDir = config.paths.sources; config.testDir = config.paths.tests; config.artifactsDir = config.paths.artifacts; config.logger = config.logger ? config.logger : {log: null}; return config; } function setupNetwork(env, api){ const networkConfig = { url: `http://${}:${api.port}`, gas: api.gasLimit, gasPrice: api.gasPrice } const provider = createProvider(api.defaultNetworkName, networkConfig); env.config.networks[api.defaultNetworkName] = networkConfig; env.config.defaultNetwork = api.defaultNetworkName; = { name: api.defaultNetworkName, config: networkConfig, provider: provider, } env.ethereum = provider; // Return a reference so we can set the from account return; } /** * Generates a path to a temporary compilation cache directory * @param {BuidlerConfig} config * @return {String} .../.coverage_cache */ function tempCacheDir(config){ return path.join(config.paths.root, '.coverage_cache'); } /** * Silently removes temporary folders and calls api.finish to shut server down * @param {BuidlerConfig} config * @param {SolidityCoverage} api * @return {Promise} */ async function finish(config, api){ const { tempContractsDir, tempArtifactsDir } = pluginUtils.getTempLocations(config); shell.config.silent = true; shell.rm('-Rf', tempContractsDir); shell.rm('-Rf', tempArtifactsDir); shell.rm('-Rf', path.join(config.paths.root, '.coverage_cache')); shell.config.silent = false; if (api) await api.finish(); } module.exports = { normalizeConfig: normalizeConfig, finish: finish, tempCacheDir: tempCacheDir, getTestFilePaths: getTestFilePaths, setupNetwork: setupNetwork }