Code coverage for Solidity smart-contracts
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446 lines
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const shell = require('shelljs');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const childprocess = require('child_process');
const readline = require('readline');
const reqCwd = require('req-cwd');
const istanbul = require('istanbul');
const getInstrumentedVersion = require('./instrumentSolidity.js');
const CoverageMap = require('./coverageMap.js');
const defaultTruffleConfig = require('./truffleConfig.js');
const preprocessor = require('./preprocessor');
const isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform);
const gasLimitHex = 0xfffffffffff; // High gas block limit / contract deployment limit
const gasPriceHex = 0x01; // Low gas price
* Coverage Runner
class App {
constructor(config) {
this.coverageDir = './coverageEnv'; // Env that instrumented .sols are tested in
// Options = ''; // Default truffle network execution flag
this.silence = ''; // Default log level passed to shell
this.log = console.log;
// Other
this.testrpcProcess = null; // ref to testrpc server we need to close on exit = null; // ref to string array loaded from 'allFiredEvents'
this.testsErrored = null; // flag set to non-null if truffle tests error
this.coverage = new CoverageMap(); // initialize a coverage map
this.originalArtifacts = []; // Artifacts from original build (we swap these in)
this.skippedFolders = [];
// Config
this.config = config || {};
this.workingDir = config.dir || '.'; // Relative path to contracts folder
this.accounts = config.accounts || 35; // Number of accounts to testrpc launches with
this.skipFiles = config.skipFiles || []; // Which files should be skipped during instrumentation
this.norpc = config.norpc || false; // Launch testrpc-sc internally?
this.port = config.port || 8555; // Port testrpc should listen on
this.copyNodeModules = config.copyNodeModules || false; // Copy node modules into coverageEnv?
this.copyPackages = config.copyPackages || []; // Only copy specific node_modules packages into coverageEnv
this.testrpcOptions = config.testrpcOptions || null; // Options for testrpc-sc
this.testCommand = config.testCommand || null; // Optional test command
this.compileCommand = config.compileCommand || null; // Optional compile command
// -------------------------------------- Methods ------------------------------------------------
* Generates a copy of the target project configured for solidity-coverage and saves to
* the coverage environment folder. Process exits(1) if try fails
generateCoverageEnvironment() {
this.log('Generating coverage environment');
try {
let files =;
const nmIndex = files.indexOf('node_modules');
// Removes node_modules from array (unless requested).
if (!this.copyNodeModules && nmIndex > -1) {
files.splice(nmIndex, 1);
// Identify folders to exclude
this.skipFiles.forEach(item => {
if (path.extname(item) !== '.sol')
files = => `${this.workingDir}/${file}`);
shell.cp('-R', files, this.coverageDir);
// Add specific node_modules packages.
if (!this.copyNodeModules && this.copyPackages.length) {
shell.mkdir(this.coverageDir + '/node_modules');
this.copyPackages.forEach((nodePackage) => {
shell.cp('-rf', 'node_modules/' + nodePackage, this.coverageDir + '/node_modules/');
// Load config if present, accomodate common windows naming.
let truffleConfig;
shell.test('-e', `${this.workingDir}/truffle.js`)
? truffleConfig = reqCwd.silent(`${this.workingDir}/truffle.js`)
: truffleConfig = reqCwd.silent(`${this.workingDir}/truffle-config.js`);
// Coverage network opts specified: use port if declared
if (truffleConfig && truffleConfig.networks && truffleConfig.networks.coverage) {
this.port = truffleConfig.networks.coverage.port || this.port; = '--network coverage';
// No coverage network defaults to the dev network on port 8555, high gas / low price.
} else {
const trufflejs = defaultTruffleConfig(this.port, gasLimitHex, gasPriceHex);
(process.platform === 'win32')
? fs.writeFileSync(`${this.coverageDir}/truffle-config.js`, trufflejs)
: fs.writeFileSync(`${this.coverageDir}/truffle.js`, trufflejs);
// Compile the contracts before instrumentation and preserve their ABI's.
// We will be stripping out access modifiers like view before we recompile
// post-instrumentation.
if (shell.test('-e', `${this.coverageDir}/build/contracts`)){
shell.rm('-Rf', `${this.coverageDir}/build/contracts`)
this.originalArtifacts = this.loadArtifacts();
shell.rm('-Rf', `${this.coverageDir}/build/contracts`);
} catch (err) {
const msg = ('There was a problem generating the coverage environment: ');
this.cleanUp(msg + err);
* For each contract except migrations.sol (or those in skipFiles):
* + Generate file path reference for coverage report
* + Load contract as string
* + Instrument contract
* + Save instrumented contract in the coverage environment folder where covered tests will run
* + Add instrumentation info to the coverage map
instrumentTarget() {
this.skipFiles = => `${this.coverageDir}/contracts/${contract}`);
let currentFile;
try {`${this.coverageDir}/contracts/**/*.sol`).forEach(file => {
const contractPath = this.platformNeutralPath(file);
const working = this.workingDir.substring(1);
const canonicalPath = contractPath.split('/coverageEnv').join(working);
const contract = fs.readFileSync(contractPath).toString();
if (!this.skipFiles.includes(file) && !this.inSkippedFolder(file)) {
this.log('Instrumenting ', file);
currentFile = file;
const instrumentedContractInfo = getInstrumentedVersion(contract, canonicalPath);
fs.writeFileSync(contractPath, instrumentedContractInfo.contract);
this.coverage.addContract(instrumentedContractInfo, canonicalPath);
} else {
this.log('Skipping instrumentation of ', file);
} catch (err) {
const msg = `There was a problem instrumenting ${currentFile}: `;
this.cleanUp(msg + err);
* Run modified testrpc with large block limit, on (hopefully) unused port.
* Changes here should be also be added to the before() block of test/run.js).
* @return {Promise} Resolves when testrpc prints 'Listening' to std out / norpc is true.
launchTestrpc() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.norpc) {
const defaultRpcOptions = `--gasLimit ${gasLimitHex} --accounts ${this.accounts} --port ${this.port}`;
const options = this.testrpcOptions + ` --gasLimit ${gasLimitHex}` || defaultRpcOptions;
const command = './node_modules/ethereumjs-testrpc-sc/build/cli.node.js ';
// Launch
const execOpts = {maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 10};
this.testrpcProcess = childprocess.exec(command + options, execOpts, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
if (stdout) this.log(`testRpc stdout:\n${stdout}`);
if (stderr) this.log(`testRpc stderr:\n${stderr}`);
this.cleanUp('testRpc errored after launching as a childprocess.');
// Resolve when testrpc logs that it's listening.
this.testrpcProcess.stdout.on('data', data => {
if (data.includes('Listening')) {
this.log(`Launched testrpc on port ${this.port}`);
return resolve();
} else {
return resolve();
* Run truffle (or config.testCommand) over instrumented contracts in the
* coverage environment folder. Shell cd command needs to be invoked
* as its own statement for command line options to work, apparently.
* Also reads the 'allFiredEvents' log.
runTestCommand() {
try {
const defaultCommand = `truffle test ${} ${this.silence}`;
const command = this.testCommand || defaultCommand;
this.log(`Running: ${command}\n(this can take a few seconds)...`);;
this.testsErrored = shell.error();'./..');
} catch (err) {
const msg =
There was an error generating coverage. Possible reasons include:
1. Another application is using port ${this.port}
2. Your test runner (Truffle?) crashed because the tests encountered an error.
this.cleanUp(msg + err);
* Run truffle compile (or config.compileCommand) over instrumented contracts in the
* coverage environment folder. Shell cd command needs to be invoked
* as its own statement for command line options to work, apparently.
runCompileCommand() {
try {
const defaultCommand = `truffle compile ${} ${this.silence}`;
const command = this.compileCommand || defaultCommand;
this.log(`Running: ${command}\n(this can take a few seconds)...`);;
this.testsErrored = shell.error();'./..');
} catch (err) {
const msg =
There was an error compiling the contracts.
this.cleanUp(msg + err);
* Loads artifacts generated by compiling the contracts before we instrument them.
* @return {Array} Array of artifact objects
loadArtifacts() {
const artifacts = [];`${this.coverageDir}/build/contracts/*.json`).forEach(file => {
const artifactPath = this.platformNeutralPath(file);
const artifactRaw = fs.readFileSync(artifactPath);
const artifact = JSON.parse(artifactRaw);
return artifacts;
* Swaps original ABIs into artifacts generated post-instrumentation. We are stripping
* access modifiers like `view` out of the source during that step and need to ensure
* truffle automatically invokes those methods by `.call`, based on the ABI sig.
modifyArtifacts(){`${this.coverageDir}/build/contracts/*.json`).forEach((file, index) => {
const artifactPath = this.platformNeutralPath(file);
const artifactRaw = fs.readFileSync(artifactPath);
const artifact = JSON.parse(artifactRaw);
artifact.abi = this.originalArtifacts[index].abi;
fs.writeFileSync(artifactPath, JSON.stringify(artifact));
* Generate coverage / write coverage report / run istanbul
generateReport() {
const collector = new istanbul.Collector();
const reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Get events fired during instrumented contracts execution.
const stream = fs.createReadStream(`./allFiredEvents`);
stream.on('error', err => this.cleanUp('Event trace could not be read.\n' + err));
const reader = readline.createInterface({
input: stream,
}); = [];
.on('line', line =>
.on('close', () => {
// Generate Istanbul report
try {
this.coverage.generate(, `${this.workingDir}/contracts`);
const relativeMapping = this.makeKeysRelative(this.coverage.coverage, this.workingDir);
const json = JSON.stringify(relativeMapping);
fs.writeFileSync('./coverage.json', json);
reporter.write(collector, true, () => {
this.log('Istanbul coverage reports generated');
} catch (err) {
const msg = 'There was a problem generating the coverage map / running Istanbul.\n';
this.cleanUp(msg + err);
// ------------------------------------------ Utils ----------------------------------------------
if (!shell.test('-e', `${this.workingDir}/contracts`)){
this.cleanUp("Couldn't find a 'contracts' folder to instrument.");
if (shell.test('-e', `${this.workingDir}/${this.coverageDir}`)){
shell.rm('-Rf', this.coverageDir);
if (shell.test('-e', `${this.workingDir}/scTopics`)){
* Relativizes path keys so that istanbul report can be read on Windows
* @param {Object} map coverage map generated by coverageMap
* @param {[type]} root working directory
* @return {[type]} map with relativized keys
makeKeysRelative(map, root) {
const newCoverage = {};
Object.keys(map).forEach(pathKey => {
newCoverage[path.relative(root, pathKey)] = map[pathKey];
return newCoverage;
* Conver absolute paths from Windows, if necessary
* @param {String} file path
* @return {[type]} normalized path
platformNeutralPath(file) {
return (isWin)
? path.resolve(file).split('\\').join('/')
: path.resolve(file);
* Determines if a file is in a folder marked skippable.
* @param {String} file file path
* @return {Boolean}
let shouldSkip;
this.skippedFolders.forEach(folderToSkip => {
folderToSkip = `${this.coverageDir}/contracts/${folderToSkip}`;
if (file.indexOf(folderToSkip) === 0)
shouldSkip = true;
return shouldSkip;
* Replaces all occurences of `pure` and `view` modifiers in all .sols
* in the coverageEnv before the `contracts` folder is instrumented.
* @param {String} env 'coverageEnv' presumably
postProcessPure(env) {`${env}/**/*.sol`).forEach(file => {
const contractPath = this.platformNeutralPath(file);
const contract = fs.readFileSync(contractPath).toString();
const contractProcessed =;
if ( && === 'SyntaxError' && file.slice(-15) !== 'SimpleError.sol') {
console.log(`Warning: The file at ${file} was identified as a Solidity Contract, ` +
'but did not parse correctly. You may ignore this warning if it is not a Solidity file, ' +
'or your project does not use it');
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(contractPath, contractProcessed);
// First, compile the instrumented contracts
// Now swap the original abis into the instrumented artifacts so that truffle etc uses 'call'
// on them.
* Allows config to turn logging off (for CI)
* @param {Boolean} isSilent
setLoggingLevel(isSilent) {
if (isSilent) {
this.silence = '> /dev/null 2>&1';
this.log = () => {};
* Removes coverage build artifacts, kills testrpc.
* Exits (1) and prints msg on error, exits (0) otherwise.
* @param {String} err error message
cleanUp(err) {
this.log('Cleaning up...');
shell.config.silent = true;
shell.rm('-Rf', this.coverageDir);
if (this.testrpcProcess) { this.testrpcProcess.kill(); }
if (err) {
this.log(`${err}\nExiting without generating coverage...`);
} else if (this.testsErrored) {
this.log('Some truffle tests failed while running coverage');
} else {
module.exports = App;